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Saturday, 5 April 2014

During Exam Tips

  1. Go through the solutions of problems solved earlier
  2. Practice filling in OMR answer-sheets to improve speed
  3. Remember to exercise regularly and relax
  4. Aim for a balanced score, a good rank can be achieved by scoring well in two subjects and ve average in one
  5. Try to score above average marks in your weakest subject
  6. During the exam it's important to select the right questions, the number of correctly attempted questions will decide your fate
  7. Keep calm during the exam
  8. Most important is a positive attitude
1. Don't be impatient while solving questions
2. Don't select an answer before reading all the options
3. Don't become restless
4. Avoid losing too much time solving a single question
5. Sleep for a minimum of 6-7 hours
6. Don't worry if you are not able to solve a question; move on to the next one
7. Don't start studying new topics at this point, revise what you have prepared
8. Don't panic

Tags: Do`s and dont`s for exam, dos and donts in exam, how to attempt exam, how to solve a paper, tips for solving paper

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