For the fact, all the engineering exams in India
are objective. Now there are two ways to crack it – either know the
concept or know all the wrong answers. In the exam, nobody cares how you
circled the bubble. Guess, ask or Cheat in JEE exam or burn midnight oil everything counts the same . The administrators don’t care if you knew the
concept or cheated or circled it blindly or made a fluke. What matters
is only the circling of the correct bubble, no matter how you do it. And
After all, negative marking is just meant to discourage blind guessing only, nothing else. But if you are able to guess sensibly, you will never receive loss due to it. Imagine this yourself - all the exams have 4 options to each questions and, believe it or not, all the answers are equally distributed among all the four options i.e. a, b, c, and d (Now in some Exams all answers are not equally distributed but they are very close to equal.). Now even in the worst case scenario (marking scheme: plus 3,minus 1), if you mark all your blind guesses as, say option-“a”, even then the net difference in your marks will be ZERO.
Suppose you made guesses in “x”-number of questions and marked them all
as option-“c”. Going by the law of probability, 75% of your guesses
will be wrong and 25% will be right.
Lets calculate your total by that:
Lets calculate your total by that:
x (+3)] – [(3X/4) x (-1)] =zero. Hence there will be zero addition to
your score in the worst case which is true because the administrators
never want anyone to lose out because of probability. So they equally
distribute the options among all the answers. Now suppose the marking
scheme is plus 4, minus 1, as in many exams like DCE, you can actually
GAIN 1 MARK for ever four guessed answers by you. Ain’t that free
marks??!! :-P
Here are some of the tricks-
1) Highest and lowest: In a question where numerical values are the answers, the highest and value will never be the correct answers. Weird as it may seem, but it is true for atleast 60% of the cases. So, if you don’t know the way to solve question, try staying away from the extreme values of answers. It might just help you.
2) Two options left: Whenever in doubt between two of the options, try gambling on one of them. When you have managed to cross out two options, try going for one from the remaining two options. It works.
3) No negatives: For those questions which don’t carry any negative marking (eg: match the following, multiple answers questions which appear ever year in IIT-JEE), go for them even if you don’t even know an inch of the concept. DO NOT EVER LEAVE THEM UNATTEMPTED. If the thing has no discouragements, then why should we be a fool to leave free gambles?
4) Same and different: This applies for those questions which have options in which they play in units and values. Eg: suppose the options for a heat and thermodynamics question are:
(a) 120 K ; (b) 130 C ; (c) 120 C (d) 110 C
since 3 of the options are given in degree Celsius, therefore answer
will definitely be in degree Celsius. Now since the value 120 is given
in both celsuis and Kelvin, therefore 120 is the numerical answer.
Hence, going by the above two logics, the answer will be option-(c) 120
C. Trust me or not, it works in 80% of the cases!
5) Mathematical extremes: Everytime, we do find questions in maths which ask us to either find the range or domain of a function, and the options are generally given as:
(a) [0,1) U (2,3) ; (b) (0,1) U (2,3] ; (c) [0,1] U [2,3] ; (d) (0,1) U (2,3)
you must have already understood, simply try to test the function on
the extreme values i.e.0,1,2,3. You don’t need to solve the whole dam
function. Simply see if these 4 values satisfy the function and you will
be able to get to the answer. It will save a lot of time!
6) Dimensions: This
is one field where the administrators show their complete ignorance.
Such types
of questions have very stupid options that you feel like laughing on them. Suppose you have a question to find the velocity of an object in an electromagnetic field in some weird orientation with field values as E and B. The options will be something like
of questions have very stupid options that you feel like laughing on them. Suppose you have a question to find the velocity of an object in an electromagnetic field in some weird orientation with field values as E and B. The options will be something like
(a) (2E/B)1/2 ; (b) (2B/E) ; (c) (2E/B) ; (d) (2B/E)1/2
Now, by simply analysing the dimensions you can tell the answer. Electric field has dimensions (M1L1T-3A-1) and magnetic field has dimensions (M1L0T-2A-1). Simply, you can see that E/B will give you (L1T-1)
which is dimension of velocity whereas square-root of (E/B) will give
root of velocity. Hence, the answer will obviously be option-(c). The
“2E” will take care of itself. Dimensional analysis really helps. It
helps at a lot of places.
7) Value putting: This applies for questions where we have to find the general expression for something. Suppose you have to find the expression for pressure on a bubble of radius-R when it is at a height h from the ground level in the container which has water upto a height L. (i am just taking a general and easy example, not an exact one.) So, let the options be
(a) P + [pg(L-h)/LR] ; (b) P + [pgLR/(L-h)] ; (c) P + [pgR(L-h)/L] ; (d) P + [pg(L-h)(L-R)/L)
if you would have noticed, you can simply leave out option-(a) by
simply checking its dimensions. The dimensions of second term are not
that of pressure but of pressure per unit area. Even if you ignore that,
we know that pressure at the surface of water must be P and must be (P +
pgL) at the base of container. So we have two cases:
pressure=(P + pgL) and at,h=L; pressure=P. On putting these two
values of “h” in these options, we can clearly see that option-(d) is
the correct answer.
(More in next part. Stay tuned)
In case you want to test all these things, take up an MCQ set of a topic which you have not studied and try all these logincs on those questions and see the score that you get. I indirectly practiced these things and they really helped me. I got 30 extra marks in IIT-JEE by the same approach!!
Well, now i am a bit tired by
writing and need some sleep too. So I am stopping here. The next part
will be out in 4-5 days. In case you liked the post, please comment and
give your feedback. In case you want any advice, you can contact me at
my email id on my blog profile. Remember, the exam tries to test our
knowledge and understanding, but sometimes it just forgets to maintain
the logic in the options. (^_^) (*_*)
Want more tips?
Dont forget to read Part-2 post !
Tags: how to guess multiple choice questions easily, tricks for multiple choice question, crack mcq, objective type question tricks, guess objective questions without knowing the answer, Cheating in JEE, Tips and Tricks to Cheat on Multiple Choice questions Questions, Blind guess of MCQ, Cheat in JEE Exam, how to score more in multiple choice objective questions, Is cheating possible in JEE? Yes It is!, JEE Exam tricks
Want more tips?
Dont forget to read Part-2 post !
Tags: how to guess multiple choice questions easily, tricks for multiple choice question, crack mcq, objective type question tricks, guess objective questions without knowing the answer, Cheating in JEE, Tips and Tricks to Cheat on Multiple Choice questions Questions, Blind guess of MCQ, Cheat in JEE Exam, how to score more in multiple choice objective questions, Is cheating possible in JEE? Yes It is!, JEE Exam tricks
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