The best recommended books for JEE-MAIN and JEE-ADVANCED and State Engineering Exams preparation are:
- NCERT* class XI and class XII books
- Mathematics for JEE-MAIN by G. Tewani (Cengage learning India)
- Algebra- Hall and Knight
- Trigonometry and Co-ordinate Geometry by SL Loney
- Calculus- Thomas/Finney 9th Edition
- NCERT* Physics for Class XI and XII
- Concepts of Physics, Vol.-I & II by HC Verma
- Problems in Physics by IE Irodov
- Physics by D.C. Pandey, Arihant Publications
- Physics by Resnik, Halliday and Krane
- NCERT* Chemistry text books of class XI and class XII
- Organic, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry books by OP Tandon
- For numerical problems – P Bahadur
- Physical Chemistry by RC Mukherjee
Tags: Books for iit jee, iit jee preparation book, recommended books for iit jee, reference books for iit jee, physics books for iit jee, chemistry books for iit jee, mathematics books for iit jee, Arihant books for iit jee, Recommended books for JEE-MAIN and JEE-ADVANCED, Best books for Engineering Exams, BTech preparation books
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