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Thursday, 30 January 2014

Top Coachings for preparation of JEE Mains & Advanced

Top 10 JEE Mains & Advanced Coaching Institutes in India

Here is a list of Top Coachings for preparation of JEE Mains & Advanced.

NRR Institute, New Delhi: This year the success rate of the students who cleared the IIT-JEE is 32%. The centre provides good assistance and guidance to the pupils.

Resonance, Kota:The list of successful candidates seems never ending with around 3206 students clearing the IIT-JEE exams this year. The best thing about this top IIT-JEE coaching centre is that besides the regular classroom students, around 11443 students have enrolled for distance learning.

FITJEE, Delhi: This year the students of this tutorial have dominated the IIT-JEE with 3542 students securing ranks. The institute has 35 branches all over India with hostel facilities in Delhi, Coimbatore, Kochi and Vijay Wada.

Paradise Institute, Patna:This is one of the top ten IIT-JEE coaching institutes in India which has introduced research based classroom in Bihar and a good number of students have cleared this year’s IIT –JEE successfully. Out of 50 candidates, 45 have cleared the exam.

Aakash Institute: Recently this center has launched Aakashi Tutor, a tablet based learning gadget for the next generation which saves a lot of time without compromising on the amount of knowledge being imparted through it. The centre has its branches in almost all the parts of India.

Allen Career Institute, Kota:This is a 25 year old Institute with a proven track record of successful students ranking in the top 10 in IIT-JEE. The students enrolled in distance learning have also cleared the exam proving the study materials for distance learners to be trustworthy.

Brilliant Tutorials, Chennai:They have as many as 125 faculties to cater to the demands of IIT-JEE aspirants appearing for the exams and have been able to help the students in clearing the IIT-JEE.

Career Point, Kota,Jaipur and Jodhpur: This top IIT-JEE coaching institute has consistently produced toppers since the year 2000 till now.

Sahil Study Circle, Delhi: This center has also proved its worth with students getting ranking in the IIT-JEE this year.

IIT’an’s PACE, Mumbai, Delhi, Goa, Lucknow:This year around 484 students have cleared the exam from this IIT-JEE coaching center of India.

Tags: Top coachings for iit jee, list of jee coachings, iit jee coachings in delhi, iit jee coachings in kota, best iit jee coachings, top 10 iit jee coachings, motion iit jee, resonance, bansal classes, allen carrier institue, fiit jee, brilliant tutorials, akash institute, best institues for preparation of iit jee.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

10 Tips for Being Prepared mentally for IIT-JEE Exam

Exam Preparation Tips for IIT-JEE

Tip #1
Since the IIT-JEE entrance is so hyped all around, the students appearing for it should be first of all mentally prepared and confident. No doubt the entrance is not easy to crack but not at all impossible.

Tip #2
Continuous effort is needed for a good preparation. All the three subjects; Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics should be given equal time. Instead of doing just one subject for some days, little portions should be done from all the three each day. This will help you retain more and will avoid monotony.

Tip #3
In order to get a good rank you need to be very clear with your concepts and so proper guidance is very important. You need to be explained well and your doubts should be answered by someone who is clear with all the concepts.

Tip #4
While you continue with the self study, don't forget to prepare handy notes side by side. This will help you clear your concepts and memorize faster.

Tip #5
Once you are done with various topics in a subject make sure you revise them again and again so that before you go further, the topics you've already done are well set and memorized in your mind.

Tip #6
Keep evaluating yourself time to time by appearing for mock tests. This will help you realize your weak points and then you can work on them and improve.

Tip #7
The students should not take any new topic or concept in the last few days. If there's something they have not done before, it won't be a good idea to start a new thing rather the other already done topics should be revised well. If you happen to take up a new topic it is likely to create stress and confusion thereby disturbing the whole preparation.

Tip #8
Do not forget to practice the last five years' question papers. This will give you an idea of how the paper will be and tell you where you stand.

Tip #9
One must remember that IIT-JEE test the mental ability and knowledge of the candidate and not the handwriting. So while you are attempting the question paper, concentrate well and keep a check on your speed.

Tip #10
Finally, one must be ready to take it at its face value without the stress levels rising. Stress may spoil all your hard work. So believe in yourself and your efforts and just go for it.

A talk with IIT-JEE All India Rank-1

Hello friends, I am Prudhvi Tej Immadi and I secured an All India Rank-1 in IIT JEE 2011. Today, let me give you a few tips which will help you to excel not only in your preparation for JEE and other competitive exams, but also in your preparation for the boards. This journey is not that easy and we generally feel a lot of pressure, expectations and often feel like quitting. But remember- only rolling stones gather no dirt. So always keep moving.

MOTIVATION is the key

So, what do you think is the driving factor that keeps YOU motivated throughout the two years of your preparation? Coaching classes teach you How to do things, but there is one thing that none else can teach you. And it is the ‘WHY’. Why do you want to clear JEE or get in the best engineering colleges of the country? If you have a clear answer on this, you will always be charged and there will be no setbacks that can stop you from trying harder and harder till you get it. It’s that same WHY that will ignite the fire in you. For someone it can be his parent’s dream, while for others it can be the brand IIT. It can be anything. So, try finding your WHY and that will act as your motivating factor through and through.

Concentrate on your studies. Don't worry about what others do

Once you have your reason, an effective planning will always help you stand out in the crowd. There are lakhs of students studying day in and day out to achieve the same dream. Only this fact might scare you a lot. But I will show you a different angle which helped me. I agree that there are lakhs of students fighting for this exam. But I had developed a mentality that I would solve as many questions as I could and try to get as many marks as I could. I never had in mind that there were lakhs of students and how would I get through. This way I never felt the tension in my head and I used to give my tests peacefully. No silly mistakes made and I achieved what I deserved.

No need to rush into solving the paper

I also used to do one more thing. Many of my friends had the habit that as soon as they received the paper in their hands, they would start solving from the very first question. My advice to you is to take out 2 minutes just to have a look at the entire paper once and to pick up the easy questions first. Presence of mind is very important and smart work pays more than hard work.

Every topic is important

There often exists a question that what topics you should work hard on. Well it’s JEE and so the entire course matters. I had a very strong hold on my favorite topics and practiced them so well that I answered almost all the questions in JEE. Your favorite topics are the ones that will set your score high. Practice them to perfection. But don’t give up on other topics. Everything is important and you never know what can come up in JEE. So your devotion of time to the three subjects is also important. Give adequate time to all of them. And for that Plan your schedule effectively. Note down your daily activities and analyze them. This way you will also come to know the number of hours per day u dedicate to your preparation. Noting down your daily activity will give you a proper insight into your activities and will help you to improve a little every day.

About Plancess

And I must say. These are your years. Work very, very hard with a very clear focus in mind. It was not easy for me. And it will never be for anyone. Believe me, I am standing In IIT Bombay and know the real worth of the hard work I had invested in the past 2 yrs. I came to IIT and saw many unusual things like students running their own companies along with their studies. One company that is related to you and has amazed me a lot is Plancess.  Plancess aims to revolutionize the concept of coaching. I saw a few of the video lectures that they offer and initially I wasn't sure about the effectiveness of learning through such a medium. But when I saw them properly I was very surprised by the quality of the content. The content is very much optimized and the best part is that almost all the lecturers are top 100 IIT JEE rankers of yesteryears. These lecturers who are currently students in IITs have given their level best to simplify the concepts so that everyone can grasp it easily. I believe that only a student can understand the challenges faced by another student during preparation in a better way. Also, the fact that you can view it any time and any number of times is an added advantage.  It’s like having your professor with you all the time. And you will only pay for what you need.  Meaning you can get only those DVDs which you require.

Apart from the video lectures, I also saw Notebook+ and trust me, this concept is innovative and the first of its’ kind in India. If they would have launched it a year before it surely would have been easier for me to memorize all the hundreds of formulae. I think you should give a try to both these products but before that, make sure that you visit the Plancess channel on youtube to see the demo lectures. Also the Plancess website is not just an information hub but it will again add value to your preparation. So, my suggestion is to check it out thoroughly.

I hope these tips will help you structure your studies in a proper manner and let me end this while wishing you all the best for your preparation.

Prudhvi Tej Immadi,
IIT-JEE 2011 All India Rank-1

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Its easy to guess coreect answer of multiple choice questions! Part-2

First of all, I'd like to apologise to all those who managed to read the part-1 and "actually" waited for part-2. On my part, i can only say that i was quite busy with my life. Well, without wasting any further time in discussing crap things, let's come straight to the point.

 So, we were done with 7 shortcuts, here are the remaining few which I remember-

8) Find for n-terms: There are perhaps the easiest kind of questions in maths. Generally, the nth term or sum or product of n-terms is asked. What you can simply do is put the value of n=1,2,3 in the given options and compare with what value will come for 1,2 or 3 terms by simple calculation.
Mostly, the answer comes with n=1 or 2. So first put these two values.

The maximum number of trials required in such questions is 3. If it goes beyond 3, then the question is a high level one and it's better to leave it alone.

Example: Sum of n natural numbers (1+2+3+....+n) is

(a) n(n-1)/2;    (b) n(n+1)/2;    (c) n(n+2)/3;     (d) (n+1)(n-1)

Here, the sum of 1 natural number is 1. Now, if you put n=1 in the options, we get;
 (a)=0; (b)=1; (c)=1; (d)=0

Hence, options (a) and (d) can be ruled out. For n=2, the actual answer is (1+2=3). On putting n=2, we get
(b)=3; (c)=8/3.
Hence, only option-(b) is the correct answer. Similarly, with some practice, you can easily learn how to apply this kind of logic in questions.

9) Generalize the question: This is one of those favourite derivation types questions given in JEE. They will give you a complex orientation and ask you to find one of the variable.
What you have to do is assume an orientation such that two or more of the arbitrary values go to zero/one/some easy value and then check the options again.

Example: suppose for positive real values, it is given that :m3x4=n3y4  and m2<n2,then

(a) m3x2>n3y2 ; (b) m3<y4 ; (c) m3x2<n3y2 ; (d) m3>y4

Now, if you actually start doing the maths of it, you will find yourself in a trouble of inequalities. So better think of an alternative. As we are given necessary conditions for with m and n, so lets assume m=2;x=3;n=3
Thus, you will get y as fourth root of 24 which you can approximate as square root of 5(coz 5x5=25). Now root of 5 is 2.2. For these questions you have to be good at approximating values which is not a big ask (atleast its more natural than remembering all identities). Now put these values in the options. You will easily see that on cancelling the "3" in the options wherever possible, the only option that still stands as correct is option (b) which is the answer.

Similarly, in questions where you are given random inclinations of plane (alpha,beta,etc), see what will happen if the inclination was zero/90. Now put alpha/beta/whatever equal to zero or 90 in the answer and see which of them satisfies the condition. Similarly, for finding moment of inertia about a random axis, same can be applied. Try this one yourself.

Example: Find M.O.I of a rod along an axis at theta degrees from its length passing through the centre.

(a) ML2sin2Ө/12; (b) ML2cos2Ө/12; (c) ML2sinӨcos2Ө/12; (d) ML2sin2ӨcosӨ/12

SOLUTION: Here, we clearly know that M.O.I of a rod along its length is zero. So at Ө=0; M.O.I=0. On putting Ө=0 in options, (a),(c) and (d) become zero. Also M.O.I of a rod perpendicular to its axis i.e. Ө=90 is ML2/12. Now, on putting Ө=90, only option(a) gives ML2/12. Rest all become zero. Simple!! Isn't it??  :)

10) Zero makes you hero: If there is a option Zero among those four options then in 80% cases it is the correct option!

11) All of above Option: If there is a option All of above or Both a and b then it is probably the correct answer. You can verify it if more than 1 answer seems correct!

12) Modern Physics (atom,nuclei,radiation,etc): Now this is one topic you would not want to lose marks on. This topic accounts for roughly 20-25 marks in IIT-JEE and you won't need more than a day to expertise this topic even if you start from scratch. If you can't expertise, atleast cram all the formulae related to modern physics. YOU SIMPLY CAN'T LET THE QUESTIONS FROM THIS TOPIC GO AWAY FROM YOU. If you atleast remember all the formulae, you can devise something even in the exam hall to find the correct option but please DON'T LEAVE IT. Its study requires less than one-tenth of the time required to study "Mechanics" and still it provides marks- 10 times than "Mechanics". STRANGE BUT TRUE!

13) Co-ordinate geometry: This is one area where even a raw but approximate diagram may work in some questions of finding radius, area, equations,etc. Simply draw a diagram according to scale and try to find the required thing. It may seem trivial but it works in many situations. What's the Heston in trying something to get to the answer when you don't know the concept? :-p

14) Kinematics, trigonometry: These are the two least weightage topics in JEE. Try to do them as late as possible. It won't even hurt if you leave these topics. They are meant to take up huge volumes of your time and have maximum 2-3 questions in JEE. In the same amount of time, you can score 20-25 marks by studying other topics. YES! IT-IS-TRUE!

One may argue that trigonometric basics are used at lots of places elsewhere. My answer is that what you know about trigonometry, by default, is enough to solve the main questions. The tricky ones require use of some identity which only the geekiest of nerds will have idea about. So its better off to leave these topics and concentrate on other areas.

15) Chapter-1 (physics): Remember it? When you enter 11th standard, you have the first chapter about measurements and all which no one cares about. I don't know why no coaching institute pays importance to it. But, this chapter is one easy piece of cherry. Read it thoroughly. You get 3 questions from it about dimensions,maximum error and approximation. If you are not able to understand it from the book, read all the questions from your study material about it. On looking up the answer key, you yourself will eventually figure out the ways to get to the answer of these problems. Remember, on the answer-sheet, only the answer is important. No one cares about the way to get to it. This chapter is just freely distributed marks.

16) NCERT is GOD/GITA/QURAN/BIBLE/WHATEVER:Even my teachers used to say the same when i was in 12th and even i never paid attention to it. But, today i know they said the truth. NCERT is the most precise book esp. in case of CHEMISTRY. In physics and maths, you may find deviations but every question of Chemistry in IIT-JEE is taken from the NCERT book. Read or maybe cram the whole of NCERT (chemistry especially). Most importantly, questions in inorganic chemistry are directly lifted lines from the NCERT.

17) Mind over heart: This happens with the most of us. We see a question in exam and our heart says that the answer is something whereas the mind says something else. Always, go with the mind. The IIT-JEE is meant to test 'intelligence' of over 5 lakh students, not to simply test if something new strikes you during the exam. So, let only the mind solve the questions and let the heart only keep up your spirit. The reverse leads to disaster!

18) Confidence: Whatever happens, this is the most important thing needed during the preparation and exam. Let your spirits always stay high. Remember this fact- " The person writing all this (Dhawal) had only confidence with him. His concepts were zero but still i managed to clear JEE because he believed in himself." And i am not being modest or anything. Neither am i thinking low of myself. I am simply saying the truth in your as well as my face. So, If i can.....anyone can!!
Moreover, never go to the exam centre with any book or anything. The only thing you should be carrying is your admit card and a pencil box with your stationery.

  ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR J.E.E..!!! Good luck..!!! Hope i helped you in some way.

 If you are doing engineering just for the namesake of it, then you are committing a grave mistake. All you will end up with is an irritated you. If  you actually are interested in solving question by such methods as i suggested, the C.A.T is the exam for you. In C.A.T coaching, you are officially taught all these methods. :P And, if you have to give C.A.T in the end, then why waste 4 years on a degree that is almost rendered meaningless after M.B.A. So my final word is that- 

"Do engineering if only you are really interested in it. Else please don't waste your life on engineering. Rest is all upto you."

Tags: how to guess multiple choice questions easily, tricks for multiple choice question, crack mcq, objective type question tricks, guess objective questions without knowing the answer, Cheating in JEE, Tips and Tricks to Cheat on Multiple Choice questions Questions, Blind guess of MCQ, Cheat in JEE Exam, how to score more in multiple choice objective questions, Is cheating possible in JEE? Yes It is!, JEE Exam tricks

Its easy to guess correct answer of multiple choice questions! Part-1

For the fact, all the engineering exams in India are objective. Now there are two ways to crack it – either know the concept or know all the wrong answers. In the exam, nobody cares how you circled the bubble. Guess, ask or Cheat in JEE exam or burn midnight oil everything counts the same . The administrators don’t care if you knew the concept or cheated or circled it blindly or made a fluke. What matters is only the circling of the correct bubble, no matter how you do it. And SENSIBLE GUESSING DOES HELP A LOT IN GAINING THOSE MARKS.

After all, negative marking is just meant to discourage blind guessing only, nothing else. But if you are able to guess sensibly, you will never receive loss due to it. Imagine this yourself - all the exams have 4 options to each questions and, believe it or not, all the answers are equally distributed among all the four options i.e. a, b, c, and d (Now in some Exams all answers are not equally distributed but they are very close to equal.). Now even in the worst case scenario (marking scheme: plus 3,minus 1), if you mark all your blind guesses as, say option-“a”, even then the net difference in your marks will be ZERO.
Surprised!!?? Suppose you made guesses in “x”-number of questions and marked them all as option-“c”. Going by the law of probability, 75% of your guesses will be wrong and 25% will be right.
Lets calculate your total by that:
[(X/4) x (+3)] – [(3X/4) x (-1)] =zero. Hence there will be zero addition to your score in the worst case which is true because the administrators never want anyone to lose out because of probability. So they equally distribute the options among all the answers. Now suppose the marking scheme is plus 4, minus 1, as in many exams like DCE, you can actually GAIN 1 MARK for ever four guessed answers by you. Ain’t that free marks??!! :-P
Here are some of the tricks-

1)  Highest and lowest: In a question where numerical values are the answers, the highest and value will never be the correct answers. Weird as it may seem, but it is true for atleast 60% of the cases. So, if you don’t know the way to solve question, try staying away from the extreme values of answers. It might just help you.

2) Two options left: Whenever in doubt between two of the options, try gambling on one of them. When you have managed to cross out two options, try going for one from the remaining two options. It works.

3) No negatives: For those questions which don’t carry any negative marking (eg: match the following, multiple answers questions which appear ever year in IIT-JEE), go for them even if you don’t even know an inch of the concept. DO NOT EVER LEAVE THEM UNATTEMPTED. If the thing has no discouragements, then why should we be a fool to leave free gambles?

4) Same and different: This applies for those questions which have options in which they play in units and values. Eg: suppose the options for a heat and thermodynamics question are:
(a) 120 K ; (b) 130 C ; (c) 120 C (d) 110 C
Now, since 3 of the options are given in degree Celsius, therefore answer will definitely be in degree Celsius. Now since the value 120 is given in both celsuis and Kelvin, therefore 120 is the numerical answer. Hence, going by the above two logics, the answer will be option-(c) 120 C. Trust me or not, it works in 80% of the cases!

5) Mathematical extremes: Everytime, we do find questions in maths which ask us to either find the range or domain of a function, and the options are generally given as:
(a) [0,1) U (2,3) ; (b) (0,1) U (2,3] ; (c) [0,1] U [2,3] ; (d) (0,1) U (2,3)
As you must have already understood, simply try to test the function on the extreme values i.e.0,1,2,3. You don’t need to solve the whole dam function. Simply see if these 4 values satisfy the function and you will be able to get to the answer. It will save a lot of time!
6) Dimensions: This is one field where the administrators show their complete ignorance. Such types
of questions have very stupid options that you feel like laughing on them. Suppose you have a question to find the velocity of an object in an electromagnetic field in some weird orientation with field values as E and B. The options will be something like
(a) (2E/B)1/2 ; (b) (2B/E) ; (c)  (2E/B) ; (d) (2B/E)1/2
Now, by simply analysing the dimensions you can tell the answer. Electric field has dimensions (M1L1T-3A-1) and magnetic field has dimensions (M1L0T-2A-1). Simply, you can see that E/B will give you (L1T-1) which is dimension of velocity whereas square-root of (E/B) will give root of velocity. Hence, the answer will obviously be option-(c). The “2E” will take care of itself. Dimensional analysis really helps. It helps at a lot of places.

7) Value putting: This applies for questions where we have to find the general expression for something. Suppose you have to find the expression for pressure on a bubble of radius-R when it is at a height h from the ground level in the container which has water upto a height L. (i am just taking a general and easy example, not an exact one.) So, let the options be
(a) P + [pg(L-h)/LR] ; (b) P + [pgLR/(L-h)] ; (c) P + [pgR(L-h)/L] ; (d) P + [pg(L-h)(L-R)/L)
Now, if you would have noticed, you can simply leave out option-(a) by simply checking its dimensions. The dimensions of second term are not that of pressure but of pressure per unit area. Even if you ignore that, we know that pressure at the surface of water must be P and must be (P + pgL) at the base of container. So we have two cases:
At,h=0; pressure=(P + pgL)  and  at,h=L; pressure=P. On putting these two values of “h” in these options, we can clearly see that option-(d) is the correct answer.
(More in next part. Stay tuned)

In case you want to test all these things, take up an MCQ set of a topic which you have not studied and try all these logincs on those questions and see the score that you get. I indirectly practiced these things and they really helped me. I got 30 extra marks in IIT-JEE by the same approach!!
Well, now i am a bit tired by writing and need some sleep too. So I am stopping here. The next part will be out in 4-5 days. In case you liked the post, please comment and give your feedback. In case you want any advice, you can contact me at my email id on my blog profile. Remember, the exam tries to test our knowledge and understanding, but sometimes it just forgets to maintain the logic in the options. (^_^) (*_*)
Want more tips?
Dont forget to read Part-2 post !
Tags: how to guess multiple choice questions easily, tricks for multiple choice question, crack mcq, objective type question tricks, guess objective questions without knowing the answer, Cheating in JEE, Tips and Tricks to Cheat on Multiple Choice questions Questions, Blind guess of MCQ, Cheat in JEE Exam, how to score more in multiple choice objective questions, Is cheating possible in JEE? Yes It is!, JEE Exam tricks

Friday, 24 January 2014

Tricks for solving multiple choice questions

Anyone who takes a class will face multiple choice questions at some time or other. Use these strategies to do well on multiple choice questions.

1.Look through all of the questions.Answer the easy questions first and skip the more challenging questions for later.
2.Remember to look back to the questions that you skipped.Look at each question individually and eliminate the options that you know are incorrect. Cross the wrong options out with your pencil if possible.
3.Read the question and fill in the choice with your own words.Choose the answer that most closely represents your own words.
4.Make each option pass the "true-false" test.Cross out any options that are not true.
5.Eliminate absolute statements.Options that use the words "always," "none" or "never" are less likely to be true than "usually" or "probably."
6.Choose "all of the above"  if you know that multiple options are correct.
7.Check the stem.If the question ends with "a" or "an," then the first word of the correct answer may match the given article.
8.Select "B" or "C" when in doubt.Instructors often hide the correct answers in the middle of the options.


*.Study before the test. No amount of guessing will help you if you don't know the material.
*.If you are taking a standardized test as opposed to an instructor-made test, then take practice exams so that you can learn strategy. Purchase a book or find sample tests online.Ad Warnings
*.Some standardized tests penalize you for guessing, and some don't. Always check to see if you receive a greater penalty for choosing a wrong answer than you will for leaving the question blank.

Tags: tricks for solving objective questions, how to solve multiple choice questions, guess correct answer to multiple choice question, Tips and Tricks to easily cheat on MCQ, Cheat in JEE

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

How can I crack IIT JEE without going to coaching classes?

crack iit jee 2014 without joining a coaching center
There is absolutely no doubt that the IIT JEE is a hard nut to crack. Years of preparation is required to not only pass the exam but also secure a good position in the country. The general notion of taking coaching classes for the IIT JEE is gradually starting to fade away. Nowadays, a lot more students are trusting their abilities and sitting for such competitive exams without attending coaching classes. It is not an impossible task. All you need is some discipline, good study materials and a timetable that you must follow religiously.

1.       Requirement of necessary study material: It is absolutely essential for any student to be in possession of textbooks, IITJEE study packages, and DVDs and CDs for information on lectures and workshops, to have any chance of doing well in IIT JEE. Without this, it would be impossible for anyone to pass IIT JEE. So make sure you have everything in place.
2.       Be attentive in class:
Since you won’t be attending coaching classes, make sure you pay attention in class and understand what is being taught. If you pay attention in class and retain what is being taught, half your work is done.  Do not hesitate to ask questions. If you have any doubts or queries, clarify them immediately. Do not wait till the exams approach. That would stress you out even further.
3.       Create a timetable:
One of the main reasons why parents prefer to send their children to coaching centers is because of the fear of them not studying otherwise. However, an IIT JEE aspirant cannot afford to do this. Draft a study timetable for yourself and make sure you stick to it. Do not get carried away by distractions, as this will lead you nowhere.
4.       Work on your weak areas:
If you think you need more time for Maths, then spend more time solving equations. Do not neglect your weak areas. Work a little extra if you have to and strengthen those areas. This will automatically give you a better chance of performing well in the exams.
If you revise regularly and have the right materials in hand, everything will automatically fall into place. Remember, nothing is impossible. With hard work and dedication, anything can be achieved.

Top 5 ways to crack IIT JEE 2014 in 6 months

Started late? Worried about not having enough time to prepare for IIT JEE 2014? Well, here is a solution to your worries. So if you haven’t got it already, take the hint. Here are five ways to crack IIT JEE 2014 in 6 months:

1.       Start now!
This is probably the last opportunity you will get to be adequately prepared for the examination. Stayed focused and work as much as you can. Set a timetable and stick to it.

2.       Polish up your basics
If you are confident of your basics, then the rest will automatically fall into place. Make sure you are confident of the basic formulas, concepts and theories in Physics, Chemistry and Maths. Once you have that in control, the rest of the syllabus can be managed easily, provided you work hard and sincerely.

3.       Make use of the resources you have
Study from class notes and IIT JEE textbooks. Seek guidance from your teachers. When you have covered these areas, you could also make use of the online video coaching and lectures. However, don’t go through other unnecessary textbooks as it will only add to the study material.

4.       Solve old question papers
Solving last 10 years’ question papers before IIT JEE 2014 will help you immensely. Since these papers will include questions that have been asked in the previous IIT Exams, it will help you analyse and anticipate the questions better. The pattern followed and the level of difficult will give you an idea of what you can expect in IIT JEE 2014.

5.       Improve your speed
Speed is very important at this juncture. Not only for your preparation towards cracking IIT JEE 2014 but also solving the actual paper. Regular study will help you anticipate questions and answers faster. It will improve your analytical skills by a significant margin.

Remember, at the end of the day, IIT JEE is just another exam. Do not be disheartened at any point. It is a difficult exam but not impossible to crack. Stay hopeful and work hard towards that goal.

Simple strategies to Crack IIT JEE

Tips to crack IIT JEE 2014If you are an IIT aspirant, the need to crack IIT JEE, is absolutely essential. You should ideally prepare for two to three years, if not more. Here are a few simple strategies to crack IIT JEE:
1.       Solve old question papers:
There are numerous books available in the market that has the last 10 years’ question papers. Apart from regularly solving problems and answering questions, notice the change in pattern from year to year. This will help you anticipate questions better.
2.       Solve over 50 questions a day:
Ideally, you should solve at least 60 to 80 questions a day. Set realistic targets and stick to it. Study regularly and set a timetable. These examinations are very important for your future so don’t mess it up.
3.       Manage your time:
Time management is very important. If you train yourself well now, while you are preparing for the exams, managing your time during the real exams will become a lot simpler. Set a time limit, wherein, you must finish the paper within the stipulated time. With regular practice, you will be able to master this.
4.       Set a timetable:
Give adequate time to Physics, Chemistry and Maths. Don’t neglect any of them. Once you have finished studying the syllabus and revised, then you can give more time to your weaker areas. For instance, not everyone may be completely thorough with all the chapters in Maths. In such cases, you will have to give extra time to master those chapters.
5.       Stay updated with IIT JEE news:
Watch the news regularly so you know what’s happening around you, particularly anything about JEE Main and JEE Advanced. So far this year, there have been several announcements regarding the examinations, the pattern, the format, etc. Keep a track of what is going on.

Monday, 20 January 2014

How to crack & succeed competitive exams: Preparation & test writing tips

The need to win or succeed in competitive exams is a must to have a successful career in developing countries like India. The competition is intense for exams like upsc, IIT, business management, marketing, medicine (MBBS), engg, mca etc. Some crack these competitive exams with ease and confidence. But to many success is not guaranteed even after repeated attempts attended with hard preparation. This indicates more emphasis towards the mindset besides hard work required. we also need a proper approach and strategy in the preparation.
Courtesy: Wikicommons

Strategy to crack or succeed competitive exams

1) Definite decision to target or achieve the goal; As a foremost thing, set up a desired score (say-99%) or the order of rank (say within-1st to 10th rank) you wish to achieve in the competitive exam. This step brings a clear clarity of what marks or score you need to achieve in the exam. Going through previous competitive exam records indicate the marks scored by toppers. So if wish to achieve the said rank you may need to achieve the previously scored marks or grade and ±10 marks of recent toppers.
2) Definite plan to make up the target; Once the target is set, assess how much of target or score you can make up by your present or current standards. This can be affirmed by solving a previous exams paper of i.e past papers within the stipulated time. Once you solve them, evaluate the answers yourself honestly by referring to previous answers i.e key released after previous exam.
Having known your standards, know the syllabus you need to cover in entirety for the competitive exams. Select appropriate Books to cover the syllabus. Fix up a time to cover the syllabus and maximum possible number of times to revise the covered syllabus (because without revision its useless to cover vast syllabus :-) as you will not remember them during exam instantly).

3) Amendment of plan to achieve target; Keeping syllabus in view cover the subjects. Some chapter may appear tough and time taking to process, then you cover it as briefly as possible and go to next. The briefly covered chapters become easy for your minds to process next time ;-).
Even it is advisable to make a team of pupil who wish to succeed in the competitive exam and help each other in coverage of syllabus as this can save time (but unnecessary chating can waste your time! so be hold ;-)).
During the preparation be sure to practice thoroughly any mathematical, statistical problems or formulas if any in the syllabus. Even practice the chemical structures present. Try to make short notes of important topics which you need to remember so as to revise easily.
To answer general knowledge type questions, read your daily and weeklies. Have a chat about the topic with your friends during snacks or so, to have more clear idea and memory of the topic.

Revise and Revise-Study Skill

Once syllabus is covered go for revision as many times as possible with constant evaluation of your standard by solving previous question papers after each revision. Habituate even to complete the paper half hour earlier than stipulated time.
If the exams are of multiple choice type it is less strenuous to answer but if it is of essay type writing etc. even practice writing essays as it enhances your writing speed, hand writing, grammar and mental skill required to write. So revision is an important study skill.
Remember that without proper revision it's of no use to cover huge amount of syllabus.

Writing the exam:How to solve the paper ?

If Exam is of Essay type:Like in CIVIL services-IAS, IPS, state service exams etc.
This requires two things. Writing speed with clear readable handwriting and also creative answering . If preparing for civil services or other sort of exams which test your ability of judgement and reasoning, read essays from daily news papers, magazines and other publications. So the emphasis to practice before exams is very essential to enhance both these skills
♣ Once you get the Question paper, read all the questions first and decide which you can answer.
♣ Then while answering, write short questions first and then go for long ones. This is necessary as you can score more for individual short answers than for a single long answer.
♣ Leave proper space in between words and lines. If any diagrams are present, draw and label them clearly to gain notice and more score.

If Exam is of objective type: For exams like CAT-GMAT, GRE, IIT's- AIEEE & JEE.
♦ Answer questions as fast as possible. For this you must practice to complete previous exam question papers in the shortest time possible .
♦ If a question is not known or time taking or doubtful better go for the next and return to it after you answer all the known ones.
♦ If a question has 4 choices and if you are in doubt then eliminate two unsuitable ones and of the remaining 2 select the best one.
♦ Be careful with terminology because the meaning of terms can help you sometimes recognize the right answer.
♦ Even then If you are not sure or is out of your knowledge to answer any question, better don’t answer to avoid negative marks.
♦ Complete the question paper quickly and come back from the beginning a couple of times.
This will help you answer more unanswered questions correctly as it gives time for understanding the questions and answers those which sound confusing to you before. And also some questions need calculations or images or structures to do in rough work to think and find the right answer.
But this rechecking has a disadvantage that you may make further mistakes than before and lose score !! bear it in mind.

Have Right Mindset

Take inspiration, support, suggestions from elders and friends; This is very important to derive strength to complete the entire process to succeed competitive exams.
Suggestion from previous achievers can be very helpful. Have coaching sessions or attend some group studies or preparative exams to help you mould your vision and thought towards success.
Visualise your success, frequently and be optimistic, because everyone were like you before they had their success in competitive exams.

Things you should not do:

  1. Don't worry about the level of competition- because the competition or save number of people appearing for the exam has nothing to do with the score you wish to achieve. The ladder of success is crowded at the bottom and not at the top.
  2. Don't rely on too many ideas or suggestion you get from others. You try to figure out your own idea and sketch of how to prepare and succeed.
  3. Don't bunk your regular classes or school in order to prepare for the competitive exam- because remember that a busy person can handle extra work but not the free person.
Competitive exams are important in education system but getting educated or studying is not aimed at just succeeding in competitive exams alone....

THANKS & ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR SUCCESS in competitive exams...... ;-)

Tags: How to prepare for iit jee, how to prepare for compatition exams, how can i crack compatition exam iit jee, how to be confident for compatition exams

The inspiring IITJEE success story of Abhishek Bhartiya

Abhishek's achievement 

Abhishek Bhartiya
Abhishek Bhartiya
I have heard and told inspiring stories of IITians. Abhishek's story is one such story and I really feel all the aspirants of IITs, AIIMS, BITS, AIPMT etc. should read this story of how a poor boy got through fiercest of competitions. If you shoot for the moon, even if you miss you will atleast land among the stars.
Abhishek, a shoe mender's son, living in a filthy, congested and neglected area of Kanpur, cleared one of the hardest-to-crack exams of India, the IITJEE in 2010. Now he is a proud IITian and that too studying in IIT, Kanpur, one of the five best IITs in India. Abhishek’s family consists of his parents and 3 younger brothers. The father mends shoes and his mother stitches and mends clothes to run the family.
Abhishek too helped his father and mother during the day in their jobs. At night he would study for 5-6 hours. With the meagre amount that his parents would earn, they would feed a family of six as well as buy the necessary study material and stationery for Abhishek.

What inspired Abhishek? Help from the angels

But from 'The angel' like people from his town, Abhishek might not have come out with flying colors. One of Abhishek's teachers Mahesh Singh Chauhan, taught Abhishek Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics for free. Mahesh Sir's happiness knew no bounds when he came to know about his disciple's milestone success.
Abhishek expresses his gratitude to one Bansal Sir who guided him without any fee. Bhabha classes near to his dwelling place allowed Abhishek to attend the classes free of cost.
Abhishek said that something in him someday told that he was capable of clearing IITJEE. And that was it. Deep rooted belief in oneself and God get you through all kinds of obstacles.

Abhishek’s approach, his qualities as a student, what made him different from others?

Humility: Brilliance mixed with humility is a rare thing liked by almost everybody. This would have earned Abhishek the free coaching of his beloved teacher and Bhabha coaching classes.
Co-operation: cooperation seems to be in the blood of Abhishek. He did not give up this quality in the face of hardship. As we know from his story he helped his parents all the day to run the family and studied mainly at night, that too in the poor light of a lantern.
Adaptability: Persons like Abhishek can adapt themselves to the situation however bad it may be. Imagine about the exam days when you are so worried all the day that household works or anything else are completely out of your mind. How would Abhishek have managed those days because he could not afford to not do domestic works even in those days?
Hope and determination: Abhishek seems to be an out and out optimistic person. There must have been disheartening moments, reverse comments from friends and near ones and discouraging and frustrating remarks. But who cares? He moved on and on with one goal in his mind that he would clear IITJEE and firm belief that the critics would be silenced.

Lessons to be learnt from Abhishek

1. Not enough space in my room, frequent power-cuts, non-availability of time to study and some other things like that are all excuses of the weak-willed lot. The fact has been amply proved by Abhishek who studied for 5-6 hours after helping out his father mend shoes and doing other family duties. So dear students forget about your pains and study well whatever comes your way. It is true that everybody cannot get into IITs and IIMs but sure your sincere efforts cannot go in vain.
2. The world, it seems, is not still a very bad place to live. In the story of Abhishek Bhartiya we come across some teachers and even a private coaching house that provided selfless help to the poor student. We may derive enough hope and motivation from this to make our world even more beautiful.
3. Abhishek, sure, had no means of entertainment like TV, internet etc. Probably, due to this he could carry out his passion with single-minded devotion. The hidden lesson is not to cut out on the sources of information but to increase the depth of your devotion and dedication.
4. The family of Abhishek, we have observed in his story, is a very supportive one. Even though the parents do not earn enough, they never let go off their dream of son’s educational achievements. This is a lesson we, the able people, must teach every poor family we come across.

Problems ahead for the likes of Abhishek and the solutions

1. Inspite of cracking IITJEE and turning into a celebrity overnight Abhishek and his father were too much worried about Abhishek’s dream of pursuing a career in aerospace. Even though he had scaled a great success no immediate help seemed to be in sight until some coaching course and other organizations offered to bear the expenses. But we must think about how a student who will always be worried about his finance, is going to make innovations, something he is supposed to do at IIT level.Besides all such lads are not Abhishek. There may be other hidden gems unable to rise to such heights due to unknown factors. What about them? Who will think about them?
NGOs and private coaching houses along with government need to take up such works of charity which will definitely go a long way in serving the downtrodden.
2. Abhishek comes from a poor family. The intelligentsia generally refrains from the company of such people. Such students have to fight hard to prove their mettle in a milieu of the elite intelligent, like that prevailing in institutions of repute. A lagging and poor background is repulsive for the elite class. This is the toughest problem to solve as because it requires a paradigm change in our thinking patterns. This problem is going to take the biggest time span since it can be achieved only through education. The day we begin to hail people on the basis of their quality and not the riches, will be the day this problem shall get over.
3. Interest- free education loan without a bond is still a dream for such students. Banks’ financial compulsions are understandable. But there is no dearth of big companies in India. They should not shy away from sponsoring such students. Even if this is done with bonds for limited periods, it is fine. Even banks, on condition of post-employment-refunding of the loan, should be open to such options. Certain scheduled banks in India are, perhaps, providing such loans.
4. Abhishek was lucky in the sense that on his difficult way he met teachers like Mahesh Sir and Bansal Sir. Not everyone is so lucky. Many an intelligent student deviates from the path owing to the burdens of family and lack of sufficient money power. We all have heard about Anand Kumar’s ‘Super 30’ and some other institutes like that. Really we must understand that there is great need for such institutes in a country of billions. We all will do well at this stage to understand that our real progress lies in helping out such students who will be the harbingers of the new age in India. It is an earnest request to the people to mobilize a fraction of money that goes into events like IPL, Commonwealth etc. in this direction. For our economy to grow, ofcourse, events like IPL, Commonwealth etc. are important. But we need brilliant, meritorious people in our country so as to be able to lead the world like USA and China.

Proper life style of students preparing for tough competitive exams: How to remain balanced?

The tough competition for berth in good colleges and companies presses the students of today to work extremely hard and sometimes with such effort which cannot be termed normal by any means. They are even jeopardizing their health and sometimes deviating away from the ethical path of life. Not surprisingly they are frequently falling prey to physical and mental diseases which do not only turn them into a weaker lot but also end up their career aspirations hopelessly. Many events have been reported in recent past in which students have committed crime due to tension, humiliation, inferiority complex, under-achievement, lack of moral values etc. All of these are sorts of life-style diseases. These ailments are gradually infecting the students who do not take to a middle line. Students must understand or be made to understand that it is as important to be decent, polite, sober and well-mannered as is to excel in studies and grades. What and how to achieve depends on how correctly you follow a balanced lifestyle. In this article we shall discuss how to manage your time and chose your daily actions so that you can achieve the desired and still be not unethical in your daily life.

1.Start your day early in the morning.

Get up early in the morning. ‘Early’ may mean 5AM to somebody or 7AM to others. In any case you must complete the necessary quota of sleep which is 7-8 hours. The point here is that you have to start your day at an early hour according to your own standards. But if you start really early then you have an option of revitalizing yourself by napping in the afternoon. This has a very relaxing and reviving effect on your mind. You may click the following link to understand the merits of a day nap:
Besides, during study in the morning you also feel like advancing ahead while the world is sleeping. This gives you a feeling of competitive edge.

2. Take exercise regularly

Exercise for about 15-20 minutes and practise meditation and breathing exercises every day.
Stretching exercises are the best for students since students have to sit in similar positions for hours together. Minor aches in joints can be done away with on daily basis by taking to Yoga, aerobics, light push-ups etc.
Meditation helps students immensely with relaxation of mind. It helps students to
a. Provide an invigorating effect to brain,
b. Gain thinking, counting and calculating speed,
c. Sleep peacefully,
d. Behave normally and ethically,
e. Avoid distractions of mind
f. Concentrate properly and give full attention to a lecture being delivered,
g. Get rid of headaches , blood pressure, anger, fits, restlessness and anxiety,
The following link takes you to a kind of meditation that teaches you to concentrate on your body-parts.

3. Keep good company

The effects of good company are profound. Company of studious, decent and polite friends helps to keep you in good mental state. Talk to such friends daily to keep your spirit going. Such company helps to refine your thought-process and you are urged to allow only positive, healthy thoughts into your mind.

4. Help out weaker students

Sometimes it is observed that higher grade students are unwilling to help weaker students due to busy schedules and unavailability of time. This is not a correct thing to do. When you try to solve the problems of weaker students you gain in two ways. First, you will feel like doing a moral duty and gaining the true friendship of those helped. Secondly, while helping the weaker students with tough parts of the syllabus you develop authoritative knowledge of your subjects. It is of expert experience that while teaching something to somebody a person gets the real chance of correctly exhibiting the skills acquired, thus fine-tuning the knowledge earned.

5. Play regularly or take a brisk walk in a park

1. You can choose to do so in the evenings. Generally for a serious student preparing for a tough test it is not easy to find time for playing or walking. But playing for a while in the evening makes your brain healthier and your body free of any ailments. Alternatively you can do some brisk walking to enjoy your evening walk. Walking at a venue where many people are exercising together is a joyful way of taking light exercise.

6. Study in a calm and quiet Environment

If you have a peaceful, serene and calm corner for studies in your house you can concentrate better and more easily. Your depth of penetration in the topics increases. Moreover your room must be sufficiently lit for studies. Many students develop eye-sight problems due to insufficient light during studies.

7. Draw motivation from toppers of previous years

1. Preparing for hard competitive exams is a long process and staying in the fray for such a long time requires sustainability techniques. One such technique consists in reading or listening to previous years’ toppers’ interviews. You may collect clippings from news papers or videos to read or listen to them occasionally. Their advices and experiences motivate you thoroughly since you will get to know from people who have actually achieved.
See the following link to learn some tricks to crack competitive exams.

8. Build up your preparation cumulatively.

1. You are advised to follow such a study schedule and system, which you have to devise yourself, that allows building up your knowledge cumulatively. By this I mean, schedule your revision, tutorial and sessional studies in such a way that help you not to forget what you learn daily. This helps you to be ready at any moment for any surprise test or any sudden changes in exam pattern or schedules. You can visit the following link in this connection:

9. Try to be morally correct.

1. Believe it or not, it has a magical effect on your performance too. When you commit a morally wrong act, big or small, the guilt consciousness attached to it, deprives your mind of its actual thinking efficiency. The effect lingers in your brain and tries to block every constructive channel of the mind. Even if you do something wrong unintentionally, the best thing is to confess it, feel sorry from within and return to the correct path. In case you are unable to find a path seek advice from parents, a good teacher or friend. Never be disheartened about this. Remember, you can restore your image with good behavior and conduct.

10. Be honest to yourself.

The students who rear this habit are sure to perform reasonably well if not excellently. Almost all of us have the bad habit of procrastinating things with a queer self-cheating thought that we shall be able to complete all the left out things later. The advice suggests that since you are the person who knows your own expertise and drawbacks the best, you are best placed to tweak your daily time table such that your self-commitments are completed in time. Make it a point to complete the works session by session. Those who go on deferring things are ultimately bound to confront anxiety, tension and fatigue. The same thing goes with character too. There are occasions when we know we are wrong and still we act as if we are right. Correcting such mistakes will make you a better person and help you perform well at every step in life.

Tags: time table for cracking iit jee, how much to study for iit jee.

JEE ADVANCED (IITJEE): Follow these 10 tips to get selected with a good rank

Can you crack JEE MAIN and JEE ADVANCED if you start now?
Since the time JEE MAIN and JEE ADVANCED replaced AIEEE and IITJEE, the preparation for the race to IITs took a slightly different turn. Board exams which were sort of neglected by many aspirants, suddenly assumed much more significance. It is obvious that the students who aspire to be future IITIANs, must be preparing hard.
But there are others who might be thinking that they have missed the bus. It is less than a year for the next JEE and they have not been able to start serious preparations. This article is intended for such students.
The million dollar question is “Can it still be cracked?” The answer is “YES” and that too with a good enough rank. Follow what is supplied below and you might crack the next JEEMAIN and JEE ADVANCED.

HIT IIT-JEE straight if you want to succeed

The very first step is to get serious about the exam. The final result is a matter of comparative ranking and given how well the long term planners have been preparing, one should understand that only a concentrated, industrious and planned study will yield the desired result.
I have been studying the IIT JEE and AIEEE question paper patterns for quite some time now. The most salient feature of the question papers I have observed is an abundance of numerical problems. In all the three subjects, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, a candidate is most likely to scale the cut-off if he/she is adept at solving numerical problems.
Moreover, speed is another determining factor in such examinations. Thinking speed is acquired by continuous practice. Practising tough problems compels you to think again and again along similar lines. Such thinking improves with regular practice of numerical problems and by the time you go for the actual exam, you should have developed a knack for recognizing the type of problem at once, just by looking at it.

Coaching courses and best books

Question naturally arises how to get such huge supply of cryptic problems and their solutions. The answer is either (a) A good coaching course or (b) The best books on all the three subjects.
Good IITJEE coaching courses supply topic wise modules of questions and their solutions. They also set pre-planned time limits for completion of such modules well before the examination. So if you join such a course and follow the course religiously then it will prove highly beneficial. But make sure not to depend solely on the course. Since thousands of students will be following the same course and a lot of them will be quite serious too, you will have to brainstorm as to what factors will keep you ahead in the race.
Furthermore, if you cannot afford to or are not willing to join such a course, what should you do? How to get and solve the multitude of difficult questions that will make you immune to any difficulty level of question papers? How to judge your own performance over a set of difficult questions? How to match the level of those students who are already appearing mock tests in which they keep on upgrading their all-India ranking announced by such courses in their all-India weekly or fortnightly tests?
There are ways to achieve that if you have enough will power and if you are ready to give what it takes. As told earlier, the technique of cracking IITJEE in whatever time is left, consists in hitting it straight. We shall expand a small idea in detail. The idea is as simple as, “Practise the most relevant numerical problems daily and that will see you get through the exam.” Now, we have to get those questions and their solutions as well as the related theoretical portions in brief so as to be able to revise the formulae and concepts periodically.
If one is not joining a coaching course then he/she must buy the best books which are as follows:
1. First you must be able to solve problems from NCERT class XI and class XII books.
2. For best concepts you can purchase ‘IIT Mathematics’ by M.L.Khanna.
3. For the most abundant supply of difficult question topic-wise and their solutions, you may buy ‘New Pattern IITJEE Mathematics’ of Arihant Publications by Dr. S.K.Goyal.
4. For trigonometry and coordinate geometry the books by S.L.Loney are useful.
5. Tata Mcgraw Hills (TMH) books
1. Concepts of Physics, Vol.-I, by H.C.Verma
2. Concepts of Physics, Vol.-II, by H.C.Verma
3. Problems in Physics by I.E.Irodov
4. Fundamentals of Physics, by Halliday, Resnik and Walker.
5. Physics by D.C.Pandey, Arihant Publications
1. NCERT Chemistry text books of class XI and class XII.
2. Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd.
3. For numerical problems-P.Bahadur
4. Inorganic Chemistry by J.D.Lee
5. Physical Chemistry by R.C.Mukherjee and also by P.Bahadur.
6. Organic, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry books by O.P.Tandon.

The 10 pronged strategy to crack IITJEE

1. Solve at least 40-80 numerical problems daily starting from day one. This is inclusive of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
2. Set time limits for a set of questions and see to it that the time-score performance improves.
3. Also find time to analyze the formulae and the theoretical concepts involved. Always think and discuss with like minded mates, (a) what are the points at which you or they are making the mistakes, and (b) what are the factors which slow you down, that is, kill time.
4. When you are solving questions pertaining to a particular topic, keep close watch on previous years’ question papers, say, of last 10-15 years. This is to be carried out only when your cut-out job for the day is done. The pattern changes are to be given special importance.
5. Always achieve your daily target. You have to outdo more and more candidates on a daily basis. Remember there may be, and surely are, many candidates solving 100 problems a day or may be 150-200. When you are about to call it a day, prepare your next day’s detailed schedule.
6. Try to develop a stream-line thought process, which is of great help in solving numerical problems quickly. This kind of thinking can be developed by practising gradual logical progression. It means building up of your solution step by step with contextual thinking and not allowing and discarding stray reasoning.
7. Till the time the exam ends, never ever, for any reason whatsoever, think that the fight has ended. This point is being emphasized since many candidates leave the battle halfway thinking their effort will not cut ice and they will be better prepared next time. Remember even if you are not fully prepared, trying hard will at least make you have a feel of the difficulty barrier and who knows you might be as up in the list as will secure you an entry into the golden gates. Simply said, peaking at the right time may see you through the test. 3 Gs namely, gumption, grit and guts held till the last moment may produce surprising results.
8. Target the difficult parts of the syllabus first and prepare them along with concise, crisp, easy-to-look up notes. Such notes will allow shading extra pressure on the eve of the examination. So the strategy consists in moving to easier parts of the course as the exam nears. Alongside, you would be revising your notes for difficult parts.
9. You will also have to develop a subject-wise strategy. Are you comparatively stronger in Chemistry than Mathematics or Physics ? Then probably you will have to allot more time to the later two. The subject-wise strategy formulated in detail may turn into chapter-wise or topic-wise strategy, meaning that more time is allotted to tougher topics. Moreover fine tune your plan so as to allot more time to the topics which are common to board exams as well as IITJEE during January and February. It may be pre-assumed that the whole of February and more than half of March will have to be devoted to the preparation of and appearing in the board examination.
10. Last but not the least will be a mention of the changes that have been announced in the form of JEE MAIN and JEE ADVANCED. Under prevailing conditions, the common parts of the syllabus present in both exams, the board exam and JEE MAIN & JEE ADVANCED assume great significance since qualification for JEE ADVANCED now requires securing a position in top 20 percentile of students in a particular board.Of course almost the entire syllabus of the board exam is included in JEE MAIN and JEE ADVANCED syllabus. But previous question papers may be referred for understanding as to which parts of the syllabus are more important.This part is the most valuable one. But don’t leave aside anything. Knowledge earned never goes in vain.

Essentials to Crack JEE Main in 3 months

There are students with a dream to make it to IIT and yet have not started preparing for it.Its high time now to realize and get serious about the goal you need to achieve.
Studying little bit everyday will make you confident and stress free while preparing for JEE Main.
The essentials required to crack JEE Main in just 3 months
  • Proper Study Material : This is not the time to hunt for study materials.By now, you should have your study resource ready with you.Online study material is the best study aid one can have at this time.It saves a lot of time while you study a topic and solve related problems.Unlimited revisions can also be done using the Online video lectures.
  • Hard Work : Hard work can be made smart work if students do not take it to be the unfair means to crack JEE Main.Hard work does not mean studying for 12-14 hours a day.JEE Main preparation at this stage requires at least 5 hours of studying with complete concentration.Parents and students think that attending classes at school and coaching classes is a part of hard work. Sorry to say, but that's not it.Hard work is when you sit down with the study materials, working sheets and full concentration and work the problems on your own.
  • Solve Previous Year Papers: Collect question papers of previous years while you collect your study materials with out fail.This is the best way to test your self before you appear for the actual exam.
  • Revise : No Hard Work can replace the activity of Revision which is mandatory for JEE Main Preparations.Revision is that one classic tip to crack JEE Mains.Do not panic if you haven't completed the JEE Main syllabus. Revise what you have studied and get perfect with that.Students should make note that studying is not considered to be the activity of Revision.Revision enhances and enriches the subject knowledge.
You still have time, so do not lose heart. Begin today.Cracking JEE Main is not an unachievable task.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Preparation for IIT JEE Physics paper: Tips and Tricks

Physics is generally considered by the IIT aspirants as the subject that would give them the competitive edge. Concepts of Physics by H.C Verma, and higher secondary course books are generally considered the best ones to understand the fundamental concepts of Physics.
Experts’ advice is to stay away from heavy volumes of high-level books during the initial stages of preparation. This is to ensure that one’s conceptual clarity is complete before plunging into complex problems like the ones appearing in IIT JEE papers.
• Once you have a firm grip on the fundamental concepts, try to solve more complicated problems using books like Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick and Halliday and Problems in General Physics by Irodov.
• Also, practice questions from IIT JEE previous years papers and sample test papers.
• Another advanced method for self-studying students is to download the lectures in video form as is an established fact that audio and visual aids enable faster learning. Video solutions to problems that have appeared in IIT JEE previous years papers are also available online.
Especially in the case of Physics, these lectures are helpful as the explanation involves the use of diagrams and animation that makes the complex concepts seem comparatively easy.
• A few steps must be followed to solve problems of Physics and Mathematics alike. If these steps become a habit during practice from JEE sample test papers or AIEEE sample papers, a student can remarkably enhance his/her chances in the actual examination.
1. Take time to comprehend the question properly. Read it multiple times if you find it very complex.
2. Make a complete list of all the known and unknown variables. Identify the primary unknown to proceed in the right direction.
3. Draw a diagram neatly if required. This might seem like a waste of time while practicing, but would be of immense help in understanding the problem comprehensively.
4. Try to make a logical guess of the answer by screening out all the improbable options using elimination method. This would help you to estimate how good you are at making logical guesses, as you can compare this with the answer obtained on solving the problem.
5. List out the formulas that can be used depending upon the list of variables made and the primary unknown identified.
6. Proceed with the solution.
7. Cross check with your estimation. This step would enable you to find how accurate you are with logical guessing, which can be of great help at times during the actual exam.
Important Topics for IIT JEE Physics
• Mechanics is one topic of Physics that is considered less scoring by experts. However to add to the dilemma this is also the topic that forms the major portion of the IIT JEE papers in terms of marks. So this topic cannot be neglected.
The choice strictly depends on an individual’s aptitude. Some students enjoy solving Mechanics’ challenging problems, thus they should work on strengthening their hold on the topic. Another option is to concentrate more on other topics to ensure that students are thorough with the more scoring portion, for example Optics, Electricity and Magnetism etc. as the cut off for Physics IIT JEE paper generally is around 35%.
• Kinematics and Particle dynamics are very important topics of Mechanics that make regular appearance in the IIT JEE question papers as well as AIEEE papers.
• Refer to past years’ IIT JEE papers and AIEEE papers, and sample test papers to understand what to expect in the exam when you have started solving advanced level problems.
• According to the general trends, Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism are the most important topics in terms of the number of questions asked in both IIT JEE Papers 1 and 2 of Physics.
• In the decreasing order of the marks they carry are listed different topics of Physics according to their appearance in previous years papers.
1.Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism (Equal importance)
2. Modern Physics
3. Optics
4.Heat and Thermodynamics and Waves and Sound
5. Measurement and errors
No way can it be taken for granted that a similar trend would follow each time in IIT JEE papers or AIEEE papers.
Thermodynamics is important from the terms of both Physics and Chemistry so concentrate on that as well.
• It is wise to cover Wave Optics first in ‘Optics’ topic. The reason is that the portion is smaller compared to Ray Optics thus quick to cover.
• As it has already been discussed that Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism are the most important topics of Physics, it must be kept in mind to have a clear understanding of the basic concepts of these chapters. Vectors is one concept that students very commonly encounter in dealing with any of these topics, so effort must be taken to understand it properly.
• Majority of the questions in Physics 1 IIT JEE paper are generally moderate ones followed by the easy lot. Just like all the other subjects here as well the least number of questions are difficult. Thus during preparation make sure to be prepared in such a way that you can attempt almost all the easy and moderate problems.
In Paper 2 the majority of the questions are either moderately difficult or easy. IIT JEE Paper 2 was easier compared to Paper 1 in 2011.
• The key is to concentrate on those topics that interest you the most and are comparatively easy. If you would like to devote more time to those topics that you are at ease with, and plan to skip a few unimportant topics to save time, that is acceptable, but don’t get too selective while studying. It is better to know the concepts of the majority of topics.
• When you start the preparation, from the very initial phase maintain a diary to note down all the different formulas and their explanations topic-wise so that while practicing previous years papers and sample test papers you can do a quick revision.
Following these simple points and working with complete dedication towards your goal would definitely help you ace all the engineering exams you appear for.

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