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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

CBSE cut-off mark for JEE advanced

391 is CBSE cut-off mark for JEE advanced for general category


The government schools in Hyderabad registered a higher pass percentage than the average for the Chennai region in the 12th standard board examination results declared by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Monday. The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, which comprises the bulk of CBSE government schools in Hyderabad, registered a pass percentage of 97.23. The Chennai region, which includes the four southern states, scored a pass percentage of 91.83, emerging the topper among all CBSE regions.
According to a statement issued by CBSE, the cut-off for making it to the second round of Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Advanced) will be 391 marks for general category, 389 for OBC category, 350 for students from Scheduled Castes and 338 for those from Scheduled Tribes. The advanced examination for admission to the premier IITs will be conducted on June 2 and the registrations were completed on May 13.
“It was due to hardwork and I am glad it paid off,” said Divya Rani, a student of KV Picket who scored 90 percent in the MBPC stream in sciences after coming to know of her marks. Another student from the school, Gautam Jain scored 95.6 per cent in science stream, while Alekhya Dayakar of commerce stream scored 95 per cent from KV, Picket.
Nearly 1,262 students from the central schools appeared for the board examination for 12th standard from 26 schools, apart from standalone CBSE-affiliated schools. In the board examination results for CBSE 10th standard announced late on Sunday evening, a large number of students scored a cent percent Grade Point Average (GPA) of 10. “I aspire to become an aeronautical engineer as the field inspires me,” said Anand Swain, a student of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan at Jubilee Hills who scored a GPA of 10. However, his classmate V Prajna wants to become an entrepreneur after completing her B.Tech


UPESEAT 2013 Rank Predictor

UPESEAT2013 Rank Predictor is a very easy to use tool that aids students in predicting their UPESEAT rank. Presented by Careers360, the UPESEAT 2013 Rank Predictor doesn’t need registering or any other restrictive formalities. Students can log into the UPESEAT 2013 Rank Predictor using their Facebook account and enter their expected scores in the exam. The UPESEAT 2013 Rank Predictor will calculate the RPET 2013 rank based on the scores entered.
UPESEAT2013 Rank Predictor:
How to use UPESEAT2013 Rank Predictor?
1. Login with Facebook
2. Enter your UPESEAT2013 expected marks in each subject and Roll No.
1. Your chances to qualify for UPESEAT2013
2. Your Expected All India Rank in UPESEAT  2013

JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor

Careers360 has launched a very innovative tool called JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor to help the students to predict their JEE Main 2013 Rank.
Since the launch, more than 20,000 students used the Careers360 JEE Main Rank Predictor to get their estimated JEE Main 2013 cutoff and rank. The JEE Main Merit List will be prepared on the basis of the combined score of JEE Main (60% weightage) and 40% weightage to Class 12 School Board marks.
With CBSE Class 12 results are declared on May 27, the students can predict their rank more accurately now with the help of our JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor.
It is quite simple to use the JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor. Students have to just enter the scores they are expecting and the JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor will calculate the Ranks based on these marks.
How to Use JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor
1. Login with Facebook below 
2. Enter your Expected JEE Main Marks and Roll No.
3. Enter your Class 12th Board Name and marks
1. Your chances to qualify for JEE Advance
2. Meaning of your JEE Main marks ( 60 % component )
3. Your Expected All India Rank in JEE Main 

Monday, 13 May 2013

JEE Advanced 2013 Eligibility Criteria

JEE Advanced 2013 Eligibility Criteria : *. Candidate must have appeared for the JEE Main 2013 Paper 1 exam and scored a rank below 1, 50,000 (including all categories) to be eligible to appear for JEE (Advanced) - 2013. Admission Criteria forr IITs and ISM Dhanbad : *. The category wise All India Rank (AIR)in JEE (Advanced) 2013 will be the basis for admissions provided the following criterion are met. *. Candidates must figure in the top 20% of successful students of their respective Boards *. To qualify, they must have scored a minimum score of 60% in the qualifying exam (Class XII or equivalent) (for students who have passed their Class XII in the first attempt in 2012. Note : In case the respective board does not provide the cutoff information regarding the top twenty percentile of successful candidate Candidates will have to produce a certificate from the board stating the same. In case a student is unable to rpoduce a certificate as above, the CBSE percentile will be used as the criteria for deciding minimum percentage of marks in the qualifying examination. JEE Advanced 2013 No. Of Attempts: A maximum of two times in consecutive years. Non eligibility Criteria: students who belongto the follong criteria cannot apply for the JEE Advanced *. Candidates who have attempted IIT-JEE in 2011 or earlier are NOT ELIGIBLE to appear in JEE (Advanced)- 2013 *. Candidates who have taken /accepted admission at any of the IITs, IT-BHU Varanasi or ISM Dhanbad, are NOT ELIGIBLE to appear in JEE (Advanced)- 2013. JEE Advance 2013 Rank wise Distribution of top 1, 50,000 candidates as per Category : Common Merit List: Top 75750 (50.5 %) Other Backward Classes Non creamy layer OBC (NCL): Top 40500 (27%) Scheduled Caste (SC) Top 22500 (15 %) Scheduled Tribe (ST) Top 11250 (7.5 %) Note : As per GOI norms, 3% in each category is reserved for PD candidates


Online Registration : 8th – 13th,May 2013 Downloading of Admit Cards: 16th May 2013 ORS of JEE Advanced exam will be made availableon the JEE Advanced site – from 14th to 17th June 2013 Date of Examination : 2nd June 2013 Display of ORS of students : 14th – 17th June,2013 Declaration of Results : 23rd June 2013

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

JEE Main 2013 results announced

The Central Board of Secondary Education ( CBSE ) announced the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main 2013 results today. JEE Apex board secretariat announced the results ofJEE Main 2013 test paper 1 scores. CBSE had conducted Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main offline exam on April 07, 2013. JEE Main Online exam was held between April 09 to 25,2013 in 26 cities across the country. Around 14 lakh candidates registered for first JEE Main 2013 in both online and offline exam. Click the link http://cbseresults.nic.in/jee/jee_cbse_2013.htm to check the JEE Main 2013 results. This year, a student's Class12 board marks will carry 40% weightage and JEE scores will carry 60%weightage for admissions. To register for JEE Advanced 2013 test, Click here . Top 1.5 lakh candidates from JEE Main in all categories are eligible to appear in JEE Advanced exam, scheduled to be held on June 02, 2013. The eligible candidates will get the admissions in 15IITs across the country

jee mains result are expected to be declared today at 4pm.

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) 2013scores are expected to be declared at 4 pm on May 7 (Tuesday). Conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, JEE (Main) 2013 scores will determine admission to the National Institutes of Technology (NIT) and the Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIIT) and some deemed universities. Candiates can check their scores on the website www.jeemain.nic.in.Class12 board marks will carry 40% weightage and JEE scores will carry 60% weightage for admissions. The JEE (Main) scores are also an eligibility test for the JEE (Advanced), which a candidate has to take if he/she is aspiring for admission to the undergraduate programmes offered by the 13 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian School of Mines Dhanbad. The result will comprise the marks obtained in JEE (Main) along with the list of 1,50,000 candidates who qualify for JEE Advanced Exam for IITs. All eligible candidates for JEE (Advanced), scheduled for June 2, should register at http://jeeadvonline.iitd.ac.in/or http://jeeadv.iitd.ac.in/between May 8 and 13. About 10.5 lakh students sat for JEE (Main) - 9 lakhstudents opted for the pen-and-paper test while 1.5lakh students took the online test. In case of non-receipt of the rank card by post within the stipulated period, candidates may apply for duplicate rank card along with the payment of Rs. 50/- ( postal charges of Rs. 30/- for outstation candidates) through Demand Draft in favour of Secretary, CBSE, payable at Delhi/New Delhi between 01.08.2013 to 31.08.2013.

Monday, 6 May 2013

UPTU: list of best placement providing colleges

Here is the list of Top 10 Engineering Colleges of UPTU providing best placement
  1. H.B.T.I , KANPUR 
  2. I.E.T , LUCKNOW 
  5. B.I.E.T , JHANSI 
  8. S.R.M.S , BAREILY 
  10. G.L.A , MATHURA 
  11. M.I.E.T , MERRUT 
  12. I.M.S E.C , GHAZIABAD 
  13. A.B.E.S , GHAZIABAD 
  15. I.E.R.T , ALLAHABAD......

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