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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

CBSE cut-off mark for JEE advanced

391 is CBSE cut-off mark for JEE advanced for general category


The government schools in Hyderabad registered a higher pass percentage than the average for the Chennai region in the 12th standard board examination results declared by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Monday. The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, which comprises the bulk of CBSE government schools in Hyderabad, registered a pass percentage of 97.23. The Chennai region, which includes the four southern states, scored a pass percentage of 91.83, emerging the topper among all CBSE regions.
According to a statement issued by CBSE, the cut-off for making it to the second round of Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Advanced) will be 391 marks for general category, 389 for OBC category, 350 for students from Scheduled Castes and 338 for those from Scheduled Tribes. The advanced examination for admission to the premier IITs will be conducted on June 2 and the registrations were completed on May 13.
“It was due to hardwork and I am glad it paid off,” said Divya Rani, a student of KV Picket who scored 90 percent in the MBPC stream in sciences after coming to know of her marks. Another student from the school, Gautam Jain scored 95.6 per cent in science stream, while Alekhya Dayakar of commerce stream scored 95 per cent from KV, Picket.
Nearly 1,262 students from the central schools appeared for the board examination for 12th standard from 26 schools, apart from standalone CBSE-affiliated schools. In the board examination results for CBSE 10th standard announced late on Sunday evening, a large number of students scored a cent percent Grade Point Average (GPA) of 10. “I aspire to become an aeronautical engineer as the field inspires me,” said Anand Swain, a student of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan at Jubilee Hills who scored a GPA of 10. However, his classmate V Prajna wants to become an entrepreneur after completing her B.Tech


UPESEAT 2013 Rank Predictor

UPESEAT2013 Rank Predictor is a very easy to use tool that aids students in predicting their UPESEAT rank. Presented by Careers360, the UPESEAT 2013 Rank Predictor doesn’t need registering or any other restrictive formalities. Students can log into the UPESEAT 2013 Rank Predictor using their Facebook account and enter their expected scores in the exam. The UPESEAT 2013 Rank Predictor will calculate the RPET 2013 rank based on the scores entered.
UPESEAT2013 Rank Predictor:
How to use UPESEAT2013 Rank Predictor?
1. Login with Facebook
2. Enter your UPESEAT2013 expected marks in each subject and Roll No.
1. Your chances to qualify for UPESEAT2013
2. Your Expected All India Rank in UPESEAT  2013

JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor

Careers360 has launched a very innovative tool called JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor to help the students to predict their JEE Main 2013 Rank.
Since the launch, more than 20,000 students used the Careers360 JEE Main Rank Predictor to get their estimated JEE Main 2013 cutoff and rank. The JEE Main Merit List will be prepared on the basis of the combined score of JEE Main (60% weightage) and 40% weightage to Class 12 School Board marks.
With CBSE Class 12 results are declared on May 27, the students can predict their rank more accurately now with the help of our JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor.
It is quite simple to use the JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor. Students have to just enter the scores they are expecting and the JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor will calculate the Ranks based on these marks.
How to Use JEE Main 2013 Rank Predictor
1. Login with Facebook below 
2. Enter your Expected JEE Main Marks and Roll No.
3. Enter your Class 12th Board Name and marks
1. Your chances to qualify for JEE Advance
2. Meaning of your JEE Main marks ( 60 % component )
3. Your Expected All India Rank in JEE Main 

Monday, 13 May 2013

JEE Advanced 2013 Eligibility Criteria

JEE Advanced 2013 Eligibility Criteria : *. Candidate must have appeared for the JEE Main 2013 Paper 1 exam and scored a rank below 1, 50,000 (including all categories) to be eligible to appear for JEE (Advanced) - 2013. Admission Criteria forr IITs and ISM Dhanbad : *. The category wise All India Rank (AIR)in JEE (Advanced) 2013 will be the basis for admissions provided the following criterion are met. *. Candidates must figure in the top 20% of successful students of their respective Boards *. To qualify, they must have scored a minimum score of 60% in the qualifying exam (Class XII or equivalent) (for students who have passed their Class XII in the first attempt in 2012. Note : In case the respective board does not provide the cutoff information regarding the top twenty percentile of successful candidate Candidates will have to produce a certificate from the board stating the same. In case a student is unable to rpoduce a certificate as above, the CBSE percentile will be used as the criteria for deciding minimum percentage of marks in the qualifying examination. JEE Advanced 2013 No. Of Attempts: A maximum of two times in consecutive years. Non eligibility Criteria: students who belongto the follong criteria cannot apply for the JEE Advanced *. Candidates who have attempted IIT-JEE in 2011 or earlier are NOT ELIGIBLE to appear in JEE (Advanced)- 2013 *. Candidates who have taken /accepted admission at any of the IITs, IT-BHU Varanasi or ISM Dhanbad, are NOT ELIGIBLE to appear in JEE (Advanced)- 2013. JEE Advance 2013 Rank wise Distribution of top 1, 50,000 candidates as per Category : Common Merit List: Top 75750 (50.5 %) Other Backward Classes Non creamy layer OBC (NCL): Top 40500 (27%) Scheduled Caste (SC) Top 22500 (15 %) Scheduled Tribe (ST) Top 11250 (7.5 %) Note : As per GOI norms, 3% in each category is reserved for PD candidates


Online Registration : 8th – 13th,May 2013 Downloading of Admit Cards: 16th May 2013 ORS of JEE Advanced exam will be made availableon the JEE Advanced site – from 14th to 17th June 2013 Date of Examination : 2nd June 2013 Display of ORS of students : 14th – 17th June,2013 Declaration of Results : 23rd June 2013

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

JEE Main 2013 results announced

The Central Board of Secondary Education ( CBSE ) announced the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main 2013 results today. JEE Apex board secretariat announced the results ofJEE Main 2013 test paper 1 scores. CBSE had conducted Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main offline exam on April 07, 2013. JEE Main Online exam was held between April 09 to 25,2013 in 26 cities across the country. Around 14 lakh candidates registered for first JEE Main 2013 in both online and offline exam. Click the link http://cbseresults.nic.in/jee/jee_cbse_2013.htm to check the JEE Main 2013 results. This year, a student's Class12 board marks will carry 40% weightage and JEE scores will carry 60%weightage for admissions. To register for JEE Advanced 2013 test, Click here . Top 1.5 lakh candidates from JEE Main in all categories are eligible to appear in JEE Advanced exam, scheduled to be held on June 02, 2013. The eligible candidates will get the admissions in 15IITs across the country

jee mains result are expected to be declared today at 4pm.

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) 2013scores are expected to be declared at 4 pm on May 7 (Tuesday). Conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, JEE (Main) 2013 scores will determine admission to the National Institutes of Technology (NIT) and the Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIIT) and some deemed universities. Candiates can check their scores on the website www.jeemain.nic.in.Class12 board marks will carry 40% weightage and JEE scores will carry 60% weightage for admissions. The JEE (Main) scores are also an eligibility test for the JEE (Advanced), which a candidate has to take if he/she is aspiring for admission to the undergraduate programmes offered by the 13 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian School of Mines Dhanbad. The result will comprise the marks obtained in JEE (Main) along with the list of 1,50,000 candidates who qualify for JEE Advanced Exam for IITs. All eligible candidates for JEE (Advanced), scheduled for June 2, should register at http://jeeadvonline.iitd.ac.in/or http://jeeadv.iitd.ac.in/between May 8 and 13. About 10.5 lakh students sat for JEE (Main) - 9 lakhstudents opted for the pen-and-paper test while 1.5lakh students took the online test. In case of non-receipt of the rank card by post within the stipulated period, candidates may apply for duplicate rank card along with the payment of Rs. 50/- ( postal charges of Rs. 30/- for outstation candidates) through Demand Draft in favour of Secretary, CBSE, payable at Delhi/New Delhi between 01.08.2013 to 31.08.2013.

Monday, 6 May 2013

UPTU: list of best placement providing colleges

Here is the list of Top 10 Engineering Colleges of UPTU providing best placement
  1. H.B.T.I , KANPUR 
  2. I.E.T , LUCKNOW 
  5. B.I.E.T , JHANSI 
  8. S.R.M.S , BAREILY 
  10. G.L.A , MATHURA 
  11. M.I.E.T , MERRUT 
  12. I.M.S E.C , GHAZIABAD 
  13. A.B.E.S , GHAZIABAD 
  15. I.E.R.T , ALLAHABAD......

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Plan your way to success in IIT-JEE

Preparing for IIT-JEE can be simple, if you plan well ahead and practise hard, writes Aakash Chaudhry.

Besides acquiring a fair percentile in the Class XII board exams, scoring substantially well in competitive exams has become equally important. Nowadays, the IIT JEE entrance exams are structured with respect to testing students’ aptitude and analytical, logical, and reasoning skills. It is imperative that they plan a right strategy for furthering their performance in the entrance exam.

Even though the syllabus of Class XII and the new IIT JEE are similar, the pattern of the exam is quite different. The Central Board of Secondary Education will be conducting the JEE (Main exam) in two different modes: written and computer based tests.

There’s not much change in the syllabus and is comparable to AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Exam) as far as the complexity quotient is concerned.
Many students get jitters and goose bumps on the thought of understanding formulae, equations and theorems. Now that not many days are left, they don’t have to lose sleep and mind over what and how to study.

Let us brush up few important topics and the last minute strategies to make sure that you come out with flying colours.

JEE Main

The JEE Main paper is an apt example of time management for exams. It is crucial to optimise your performance by practicing a good number of MCQs. There are 90 questions in all to be done in 3 hours duration. So on an average, you must be able to get 2 minutes per question. But there are questions which may consume more time than others. That means one must be able to solve some other questions in lesser time so as to manage time well. This could be achieved by going through a good number of MCQs.

Most important topics for
JEE (Main)

Every portion of the syllabus is important, but, there are certain topics, in every subject, which form the basis of the entire subject and can serve your purpose of scoring well.

These topics can be applied in all other chapters, and therefore, having a thorough understanding of them is important.

n Physics: You should have a fair understanding of Kinematics and Dynamics and it is essential to be able to build a strong problem solving ability. Also, the Theory of Fields (Electromagnetism) is very important.

n Chemistry: Physical Chemistry can fetch you real good scores and hence all the units in it must be done carefully. Students tend to neglect Inorganic Chemistry but just a proper understanding of it can prove beneficial.

n Mathematics: Calculus forms a base for almost every part of Mathematics. Other important and scoring topics are Determinants, Sequences, Permutation and Combination. The student must be able to relate the complex numbers with Coordinate Geometry and Vectors.

JEE Advance

For JEE (Advanced) one should build a strong foundation of concepts and developing skills to tackle numerical problems, that need calculations as well as a good aptitude. Therefore, one needs to be thorough with theory pertaining to each topic, test the understanding of the theory by solving short answer type and assertion reason based questions. Also the aspirant should be able to solve a good number of subjective type problems.

This would certainly help in developing even deeper understanding of the subject. Finally, a student must practice a good number of MCQs to build up speed and accuracy.

Topics of importance

*  Physics: In addition to Mechanics and Electrodynamics; enough time must be allotted to Heat and Thermodynamics, Optics, and Modern Physics. These topics are generally the most neglected topics which then can prove to be risk factors. But they are the easiest and scoring topics and share a good percentage of total marks of the exam. So, don’t ignore it at any stake.

* Chemistry: Enough time should be devoted to general principles of Organic Chemistry, as this will make the remaining part easy to comprehend. Physical Chemistry is important as numerical problems asked from this section are scoring and not too difficult. Pay special attention to learn Inorganic Chemistry as there are many facts and figures to be remembered. One can learn this topic by continuous revision.

*Mathematics: One must be able to understand inter-relationship between various topics so as to know their importance. The knowledge and skills developed by understanding and preparing the chapter Coordinate Geometry, can be used to solve problems in complex numbers.

The knowledge of Vectors is also very helpful in these topics. To solve problems of Probability, the student must be strong in Permutation and Combinations.

Formula and problem solving skills developed by thorough practice of Trigonometry are useful in almost all topics. Finally, there is no denying the fact that the most important tool that a mathematician has is Calculus.

Below are some tips that will help students to put in their best in the last minute preparations:

*Don’t touch any new topic: This is time to revise and go through already prepared topics. Taking up new topics will only lead to a panicky situation. It’s advisable to be thorough with whatever you know than skim through new concepts and chapters.

*  Be well versed with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics: Keep a track of all the topics in the respective subjects, as there are certain topics that make for an entire subject. Application based chapters are very important to be looked upon. It is essential to pay equal weight-age to every subject as the exam constitutes questions based on the same.

*  Important topics first: Always remember that you must prepare keeping in mind the exam notification, syllabus, patterns and importance of chapters so you can pay special attention to topics of utmost importance.

* Refer to NCERT textbooks: Treat NCERT textbooks as a bible. Going through the concepts and key points of this textbook makes for a strong foundation for entrance exams. Several illustrated examples are very well explained to clear all doubts.

*Mock test papers: Run through last five years’ mock text IIT-JEE test papers. This will help you understand the pattern and complexity of an entrance paper. Also, practicing them will enhance your skills to appear for the nearing exam. A student should have taken at least 15-20 full length tests before taking the actual exam.

* Rest and relax: Taking too much stress and getting bogged down by panicky situations is not desirable. It is good to take some time off and do things that rejuvenate you and keep your mind cool.

Watching a movie, meditation, jogging or playing football are some of the activities that you can indulge in to peace out.

Don’t lose mind and be confident as IIT- JEE is just like any other exam. As long as you are doing your bit and keeping yourself disciplined and motivated about your preparation, clearing the entrance exam will be almost a cakewalk!

Friday, 19 April 2013

JEE (Advanced) - 2013 Information Brochure

JEE (Advanced) -2013
Information Brochure
2. ABOUT JEE (Advanced) - 2013 3
2.1 Schedule 3
2.2 Type of Examination 4
2.3 Examination for Blind Candidates 4
2.4 Cities/Towns of Examination Centres 4
2.5 Use of Calculator and Communication Aids 4
3. ELIGIBILITY FOR JEE (Advanced) - 2013 4
3.1 Minimum Marks in Qualifying Examination (QE) 5
3.2 Number of JEE Attempts 5
3.3 Candidates Admitted Through Earlier IIT JEE 5
3.4 Important Points 5
4.1 SC / ST Candidates 5
4.2 OBC Candidates 6
4.3 Persons with Physical Disability (PD) 6
4.4 Preparatory Course 6
6. HOW TO REGISTER FOR JEE (Advanced) - 2013 7
7.1 Identity Verification 7
7.2 Safe-keep of the Admit Card 7
8. RESULTS OF JEE (Advanced) - 2013 8
9.1 Rank Lists 8
9.2 PD Merit List 8
9.3 Preparatory Course Merit List 8
9.4 Tie-break 8
10.1 Counselling 8
10.2 Physical Fitness 9
10.3 Requirements for Mining courses 9
10.4 Female candidates for Mining courses 9
10.5 Aptitude Test for B. Arch. for the JEE (Advanced) - 2013 Qualified Candidates 9
APPENDIX - 1 SYLLABUS FOR JEE (Advanced) - 2013 10
Indian Institutes of Technology are institutions
of national importance established through an
Act of Parliament for fostering excellence in
education. There are sixteen IITs at present,
located at Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi,
Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore,
Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Mandi, Mumbai,
Patna, Ropar, Roorkee and Varanasi. Over the
years, IITs have created world class
educational platform that is dynamically
sustained through quality teaching and
internationally acclaimed research with
excellent infrastructure and the best available
minds. The faculty and alumni of IITs continue
to make huge impact in all sectors of society,
both in India and abroad. Indian School of
Mines Dhanbad is one of the oldest institutions
in India and is known for its immense
contributions towards society at large and for
science and technology in particular.
Primary objectives of these institutions are to:
• Build a solid foundation of scientific and
technical knowledge and thus to prepare
competent and motivated engineers and
• Create environment for freedom of thought,
cultivate vision, encourage growth, develop
personality and self-discipline for pursuit of
• Kindle entrepreneurial streak in the
The Institutes admit students with these
objectives and prepare them to become
outstanding professionals and contribute to
nation building. Today, alumni of these
institutions occupy key positions in industry and
academia, in India and abroad.
Each institute has well-equipped modern
laboratories, state-of-the-art computer network
and well-stocked technical library. Teaching
methods rely on direct personal contact
between the teachers and the students, and
the use of traditional and modern instructional
techniques. Students live in a pleasant and
intellectually stimulating environment with
people having similar goals and aspirations,
which is an exciting and unique experience.
These institutions offer courses leading to
Bachelor’s degree in a number of engineering,
technological and science disciplines.
Integrated M. Sc. courses in pure and applied
sciences and Integrated M. Tech. courses in a
few disciplines are also offered by some of
these Institutions. In addition, some IITs offer
Dual-Degree M. Tech. programmes, wherein
both B. Tech. and M. Tech. degrees are
Credit-based academic programmes offer
flexibility to students to progress at their own
pace. A minimum level of performance is
necessary for satisfactory progress. The
medium of instruction is English.
Admission to all undergraduate programmes in
these institutions for Indian and Foreign
nationals will be made through a Joint Entrance
Examination (Advanced) - 2013. Only the top
1,50,000 candidates (including all categories)
who qualify in Paper - I of JEE (Main) - 2013
are eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced) -
2013. JEE (Main) - 2013 will be conducted by
JEE Apex Board during the month of April,
2013. (Details of JEE (Main) - 2013 are
available at http://www.jeemain.nic.in).
2. ABOUT JEE (Advanced) - 2013
JEE (Advanced) - 2013 will be jointly
conducted by IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT
Guwahati, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT
Madras and IIT Roorkee. These institutes are
henceforth referred to as the zonal IITs. The
details of the pattern and the dates of
examination, eligibility criteria and how to apply
are outlined below.
2.1 Schedule
The JEE (Advanced) - 2013 examination will
be held on Sunday, 2 June, 2013 as per the
schedule given below:
Paper 1: 09.00 to 12.00 hrs (IST)
Paper 2: 14.00 to 17.00 hrs (IST)
The schedule will remain unaltered even if the
above day is declared a public holiday.
2.2 Type of Examination
In JEE (Advanced) - 2013, there will be two
question papers, each of three hours duration.
The question papers will be bilingual (in
English and Hindi). Each of the question
papers will consist of three separate sections
on Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The
detailed syllabi are given in APPENDIX - 1.
The questions will be of objective type,
designed to test comprehension, reasoning
and analytical ability of candidates. In some
sections, incorrect answers will be awarded
negative marks.
The answers for each of the questions are to
be marked on a separate, 2-sheet carbonless
paper. Candidate must not separate or
disturb the alignment of the upper and
lower sheets at any stage during the
examination. The upper sheet is specially
designed machine readable sheet of paper
(ORS-Optical Response Sheet). While
answering each of the questions the candidate
is expected to darken the bubble(s) against
correct answer(s) only on the upper sheet
using black ball point pen. The darkening on
the upper sheet should be done in such a
manner that the impression is seen on the
lower sheet. Responses recorded on the upper
sheet only will be taken as final. The candidate
can take away the lower sheet with the
permission of the invigilator(s) at the end of the
2.3 Examination for Blind Candidates
A blind candidate can request for the services
of amanuensis (Scribe). For this, the candidate
must submit a separate request letter to the
Chairman of respective Zonal IIT while
registering for JEE (Advanced) - 2013 with a
copy of the PD certificate obtained from the
district medical board. The format of the letter
is given in APPENDIX - 2. Amanuensis of class
XI students of Commerce/Humanities without
Mathematics will be provided by the Presiding
Officer. One hour extra time will be allowed to
such candidates.
2.4 Cities/Towns of Examination Centres
JEE (Advanced) - 2013 will be conducted in
select major cities and towns of India. The list
is given in APPENDIX - 3. While registering,
candidates should select three towns/cities in
the same zone. All correspondence should be
addressed to that particular zonal IIT.
Efforts will be made to allot candidates’ choice.
However, in some exceptional circumstances,
a different city in the same zone may be
allotted. The examination centre allotted to
the candidates will not be changed under
any circumstances.
2.5 Use of Calculator and Communication
Use of electronic devices like mobile phone,
calculator, iPod, etc. is NOT PERMITTED in
JEE (Advanced) - 2013. Materials like log
table, book, notebook, etc. SHOULD NOT be
brought into the examination hall.
3. ELIGIBILITY FOR JEE (Advanced) - 2013
Candidates who wish to write JEE (Advanced)
- 2013 must write Paper - I of JEE (Main) -
2013 in the month of April 2013. For eligibility
conditions to appear in JEE (Main) - 2013,
please refer http://www.jeemain.nic.in. Only top
1,50,000 candidates (including all categories)
who qualify in Paper - I of JEE (Main) - 2013
will be eligible to appear for JEE (Advanced) -
Distribution of top 1,50,000 candidates across
various categories is as follows:
􀂾 Top 75750 (50.5 %) Common Merit List
􀂾 Top 40500 (27%) Other Backward Classes-
Non creamy layer OBC (NCL)
􀂾 Top 22500 (15 %) Scheduled Caste (SC)
􀂾 Top 11250 (7.5 %) Scheduled Tribe (ST)
3% of the total candidates in each category
are reserved for PD candidates as per GoI
3.1 Minimum Marks in Qualifying
Examination (QE)
Admission to IITs and ISM Dhanbad will be
based only on category wise All India Rank
(AIR) in JEE (Advanced) – 2013, subject to the
condition that such candidates are in the top 20
percentile of successful candidates of their
Boards in respective categories.
For candidates who passed their Board
examination for the first time in 2012, the
eligibility criteria for admission to any of the IITs
or ISM Dhanbad is 60% marks (55% marks for
SC/ST/PD) in their 12th Standard or equivalent
qualifying examination.
In case a Board does not provide the
information regarding the cut-off for top 20
percentile of successful candidates, the
candidate will have to produce a certificate
from the concerned Board stating that he/she
falls within the top 20 percentile. In case the
percentile score is not available from any
testing agency, the CBSE cut-off score for top
20 percentile for the student’s category will be
If the candidate fails to do so, then the CBSE
percentile will be used as the criteria for
deciding minimum percentage of marks in the
qualifying examination.
If any Board awards only letter grades without
providing an equivalent percentage of marks
on the grade sheet, the candidate should
obtain a certificate from the Board specifying
the equivalent marks, and submit it at the time
of counselling. In case such a certificate is not
provided the decision taken by the Joint
Implementation Committee (JIC) of JEE
(Advanced) - 2013 will be final.
3.2 Number of JEE Attempts
A candidate can attempt JEE (Advanced)
maximum two times in consecutive years.
Candidates who had attempted IIT JEE 2012
for the first time (having passed QE in 2012)
can appear in JEE (Advanced) - 2013, by
qualifying in Paper - I of JEE (Main) - 2013.
Those who attempted IIT-JEE in 2011 or earlier
are NOT ELIGIBLE to appear in JEE
(Advanced) - 2013.
3.3 Candidates Admitted Through Earlier IIT
Candidates who have taken admission
(irrespective of whether or not they continued
in any of the programmes) or accepted the
admission by paying the registration fee at any
of the IITs, IT-BHU Varanasi or ISM Dhanbad,
are NOT ELIGIBLE to appear in JEE
(Advanced) - 2013.
3.4 Important Points
(i) The offer of admission is subject to
verification of all original certificates/
documents at the time of counselling. If any
candidate is found ineligible at a later date
even after admission to an Institute, his/her
admission will be cancelled.
(ii) The decision of the Joint Admission Board
of JEE (Advanced) - 2013 regarding the
eligibility/admission of any applicant shall
be final.
As per Government of India rules candidates
belonging to certain categories are admitted to
seats reserved for them based on relaxed
criteria. These categories are:
• Other Backward Classes (OBC) if they
belong to Non-Creamy Layer (NCL)
• Scheduled Castes (SC)
• Scheduled Tribes (ST)
• Persons with Physical Disability (PD)
Benefit of reservation shall be given only to
those classes/castes/tribes which are in the
respective central list published by the
Government of India.
4.1 SC/ST Candidates
For the SC and ST categories, 15% and 7.5%
seats, respectively, are reserved in every
programme in all IITs and ISM Dhanbad.
Candidates belonging to these categories are
declared qualified on the basis of a relaxed
Candidates belonging to SC/ST categories will
be required to produce the original caste/ tribe
certificate issued by a competent authority in
the prescribed format (APPENDIX – 4) during
counselling. Certificates in any other format will
not be accepted. Seats remaining vacant in
these categories shall not be filled by
candidates belonging to any other category.
Attested copies of category certificates must be
submitted to the concerned Zonal IIT along
with the registration number of JEE (Advanced)
- 2013 during 8 May - 31 May, 2013.
4.2 OBC Candidates
For candidates belonging to OBC (non creamy
layer), 27% of the seats are reserved in all IITs,
and ISM Dhanbad.
For the purpose of reservation of seats in JEE
(Advanced) - 2013, a candidate will be
considered as OBC only if he/she belongs to
the non-creamy layer of the central list of
Government of India in OBC category.
In case the reserved seats in this category are
not filled, they can be filled by GE category
Attested copies of category certificates issued
after 31 May 2012 by a competent authority in
the prescribed format (APPENDIX – 5) must be
submitted to the concerned Zonal IIT along
with the registration number of JEE (Advanced)
- 2013 during 8 May - 31 May, 2013.
4.3 Persons with Physical Disability (PD)
In each institute 3% of seats in every category
are reserved for PD candidates. For any
category of disability (viz., locomotor, visual,
dyslexia, speech, and/or hearing) benefit would
be given to those who have at least 40%
impairment. Leprosy-cured candidates who are
otherwise fit to pursue the course are also
included in this category. Candidates belonging
to this category are qualified on the basis of a
relaxed criterion.
PD Candidates will be required to produce the
original certificate issued by a district medical
board/competent authority in the prescribed
format (APPENDIX – 6) at the time of
counselling. Certificates in any other format will
not be accepted.
Attested copies of PD certificates must be
submitted to the concerned Zonal IIT along
with the registration number of JEE (Advanced)
- 2013 during 8 May - 31 May, 2013.
4.4 Preparatory Course
In case the seats reserved for SC/ST/PD
candidates are not filled, a limited number of
candidates are admitted to a Preparatory
Course of one-year duration on the basis of
further relaxation of admission criterion.
Admission is given to the candidates in the
preparatory course provided (i) the seats
reserved for the respective category are vacant
(ii) candidates satisfy minimum norms, and (iii)
candidates have not undergone the
Preparatory Course earlier. On successful
completion of the course, the students will be
offered a direct admission to the undergraduate
programs in July 2014, against the unfilled
reserved seats of JEE (Advanced) - 2013.
Two seats are available for preferential
allotment in each institute for children of
defence/paramilitary personnel killed or
permanently disabled in action during war or
peacetime operations (DS).
Such candidates should submit a copy of the
relevant certificate issued by a competent
authority in the Directorate of Resettlement and
Rehabilitation, New Delhi under the Ministry of
Defence, Govt. of India or in the Ministry of
Home Affairs, Govt. of India, as applicable,
along with the registration of JEE (Advanced) -
2013. To avail this preferential allotment,
he/she must obtain a rank in the Common
Merit List of JEE (Advanced) - 2013 and should
produce original copy of certificate at the time
of counselling.
- 2013
Scores of JEE (Main) - 2013 will be declared
by 7 May, 2013. Top 1,50,000 candidates
qualified in Paper - I (including all the
categories) are eligible to register for JEE
(Advanced) - 2013. To write JEE (Advanced) -
2013 all eligible candidates should register
through online at [http://jeeadv.iitd.ac.in/] during
8 May to 13 May, 2013.
After online registration, candidates must pay
the examination fee as applicable through
challan (generated during registration process)
of all SBI branches having core banking
solution (CBS) on or before 13 May, 2013.
The examination fee for GE and OBC(NCL)
male candidates is Rs.1800/-. The fee for SC,
ST, PD male candidates is Rs. 900/-. There is
no fee for female candidates of all categories.
Registration is complete only after the
Important: The applicants must note that
application for JEE (Advanced) - 2013 cannot
be withdrawn after registration and payment of
fee. Claims for refund of registration fee will
not be entertained under any
While registering for JEE (Advanced) - 2013,
candidate need to provide following
􀂾 Attempt(s) at JEE
􀂾 Choices of Examination Cities/Towns
Entitlement for DS category
Note: APPENDIX - 3 lists the cities/towns and
their corresponding codes where the
examination centres are located. Candidates
should select three different cities/towns from
the same zone.
After successful registration and payment of
required fee through bank, the candidates can
download their admit card for JEE (Advanced) -
2013 from 14 May to 31 May, 2013 from their
Zonal IIT JEE (Advanced) - 2013 portal.
Addresses of Zonal IITs JEE portals are
available in Appendix - 7.
The admit card will bear roll number of JEE
(Advanced) - 2013, photograph and the
personal details of the candidate, along with
name and address of the Examination Centre
If the admit card is not available in the Zonal IIT
Portal by 15 May, 2013, candidates can
contact immediately the Zonal IIT through
Phone/Email/Fax (Details of Zonal IITs are
available in Appendix - 7).
Candidate should carefully examine their Admit
Card for all the entries made therein. In case of
any discrepancy, candidate should inform the
Zonal IIT immediately. Candidate must bring
the hard copy of the downloaded admit card to
the examination centre. Only those
candidates, who carry valid Admit Cards to
the examination hall, will be allowed to write
the examination.
7.1 Identity Verification
At the examination hall, the admit card should
be presented to the invigilators for verification.
The candidate’s identity will be verified with
respect to his/her details on the admit card and
the centre verification record. If the identity is in
doubt, the candidate will not be allowed to
appear in the examination. The authorities may
at their discretion permit the candidate to
appear for the examination after completing
formalities including taking of thumb
impression. No extra time will be allowed for
these formalities to be completed.
The original admit card for the JEE (Advanced)
- 2013 will be issued to the candidates in the
respective examination centre on the day of
examination after verifying their candidature.
Any impersonation will lead to disqualification
in JEE (Advanced) - 2013.
7.2 Safe-keep of the Admit Card
Since the qualified candidates are required to
produce the original Admit Card at the time of
counselling and admission, it should be
carefully preserved till the admission process
through JEE (Advanced) - 2013 is completed.
8. RESULTS OF JEE (Advanced) - 2013
The answer sheets of JEE (Advanced) - 2013
are a machine-readable Optical Response
Sheet (ORS). These sheets are graded and
scrutinized with extreme care after the
Candidates can view the answer keys of JEE
(Advanced) - 2013 on Zonal IIT JEE
(Advanced) portal.
Candidates will get to know their All India
Ranks (AIR) / Category ranks of JEE
(Advanced) – 2013 through Zonal IIT websites
on 23 June, 2013.
Only those candidates who attempted both
Paper - 1 and Paper - 2 of JEE (Advanced) -
2013 will be considered for the ranking. Marks
in Physics in JEE (Advanced) - 2013 will be
equal to marks in Physics section of Paper - 1
plus marks in Physics section of Paper - 2.
Similar procedures will be followed for
Chemistry and Mathematics. The sum of the
marks obtained in the individual subjects will be
the aggregate marks for the candidate.
9.1 Rank Lists
Based on the performance in JEE (Advanced) -
2013, a Common Merit List (CML) will be
prepared. Candidates must score at least 10%
in each subject and 35% in aggregate in order
to be in the CML.
Separate merit lists will be prepared
corresponding to OBC (NCL), SC and ST
Candidates of OBC (NCL) category must score
at least 9% in each subject and 31.5% in
aggregate in order to be in the OBC merit list.
Candidates of SC and ST categories must
score at least 5% in each subject and 17.5% in
aggregate in order to be in their respective
merit lists.
9.2 PD Merit Lists
Separate PD merit lists will be prepared
corresponding to the GE, OBC (NCL), SC and
ST categories. To be in these respective merit
lists, candidates must score at least 5% in each
subject and 17.5% in aggregate.
9.3 Preparatory Course Merit Lists
Separate merit lists will be prepared for
preparatory course only if the number of
SC/ST/PD candidates in the respective merit
lists is less than 1.4 times the number of seats
available in the respective categories. To be in
these merit lists, candidates must score at least
2.5% in each subject and 8.75% in aggregate.
While preparing the merit lists, if a candidate
belongs to more than one category of relaxed
norms, then he/she for the purpose of ranking
shall be considered in all the categories in
which he/she qualifies. There will be no
separate waiting list for such candidates.
9.4 Tie-break
The tie-break criterion in the various merit lists
adopted for awarding ranks to the candidates
who have scored the same aggregate marks is
as follows: Higher rank for higher marks in
Mathematics, followed by marks in Physics and
same rank in case both the candidates have
the same marks in each of the three subjects.
Note: Obtaining a rank in JEE (Advanced) -
2013 does not guarantee admission to any
of the courses available in IITs and ISM
10.1 Counselling
The details of courses available in the
participating institutes are given in APPENDIX
- 9 (Provisional). Some institutes may offer new
courses not listed in the appendix. Information
regarding these courses will be available at the
time of counselling.
The seats in various courses of the institutes
(IITs and ISM Dhanbad) are allotted strictly on
the basis of the All India Rank, category rank,
and the choices indicated by each qualified
candidate at the time of counselling.
The details of the counselling and admission
procedure will be published on the JEE
(Advanced) - 2013 zonal IIT websites.
The results of JEE (Advanced) - 2013 are also
being used by other institutions for admissions
to their courses / programmes. The names of
these institutes will be published on the JEE
(Advanced) - 2013 websites at a later date.
Candidates should contact these institutes
directly for admission.
10.2 Physical Fitness
Candidates who qualify in JEE (Advanced) -
2013 will have to submit a physical fitness
certificate from a registered medical
practitioner in the prescribed format that will be
made available at an appropriate time.
Candidates will be admitted only if they are
physically fit for pursuing a course of study at
the participating institutes.
10.3 Requirements for Mining Courses
Those who opt for Mining Engineering and
Mining Machinery courses should make sure
that they do not have any form of colour
blindness. They will be required to submit a
certificate from a registered medical
practitioner to this effect at the time of
counselling/ admission. The standards of visual
acuity with or without glasses will be adhered
to strictly for candidates seeking admission to
Mining Engineering as per DGMS Circular 14
of 1972. Persons with one-eyed vision are not
permitted to work underground. Candidates
with the above limitations are not allowed to opt
for admission to Mining Engineering or Mining
Machinery Engineering.
10.4 Female Candidates for Mining Courses
Section 46 (1) of the Mines Act, 1952 states
that “No woman shall, notwithstanding anything
contained in any other law, be employed (a) in
any part of a mine which is below ground, (b) in
any mine above ground except between 6:00
and 19:00 hrs.”. Hence, female candidates are
not admitted to Mining Engineering and Mining
Machinery Engineering at ISM Dhanbad,
whereas the corresponding programmes at IIT
Kharagpur and IIT (BHU) Varanasi have no
such restriction.
10.5 Aptitude Test for B. Arch. for the IITJEE
(Advanced) - 2013 Qualified Candidates
Candidates desirous of joining the B. Arch.,
courses will be required to qualify in an
Aptitude Test to be conducted at all zonal IITs
on 28 June, 2013. However the seat allotment
will be done based on the category wise all
India Rank in the JEE (Advanced) -2013. The
test will consist of one paper of three hours
duration – from 09:00 to 12:00 hrs. Question
papers for Aptitude Test for B. Arch. will be in
English only. Syllabus for this test is given in
APPENDIX - 8. Candidates must register
online at http://jeeadv.iitd.ac.in for this Aptitude
Test between 24 and 26 June, 2013.
SYLLABUS FOR JEE (Advanced) - 2013
Physical Chemistry
General topics: Concept of atoms and
molecules; Dalton’s atomic theory; Mole
concept; Chemical formulae; Balanced
chemical equations; Calculations (based on
mole concept) involving common oxidationreduction,
neutralisation, and displacement
reactions; Concentration in terms of mole
fraction, molarity, molality and normality.
Gaseous and liquid states: Absolute scale of
temperature, ideal gas equation; Deviation
from ideality, van der Waals equation; Kinetic
theory of gases; Average, root mean square
and most probable velocities and their relation
with temperature; Law of partial pressures;
Vapour pressure; Diffusion of gases.
Atomic structure and chemical bonding:
Bohr model, spectrum of hydrogen atom,
quantum numbers; Wave-particle duality, de
Broglie hypothesis; Uncertainty principle;
Qualitative quantum mechanical picture of
hydrogen atom, shapes of s, p and d orbitals;
Electronic configurations of elements (up to
atomic number 36); Aufbau principle; Pauli’s
exclusion principle and Hund’s rule; Orbital
overlap and covalent bond; Hybridisation
(involving s, p and d orbitals only); Orbital
energy diagrams for homonuclear diatomic
species; Hydrogen bond; Polarity in
molecules, dipole moment (qualitative aspects
only); VSEPR model and shapes of molecules
(linear, angular, triangular, square planar,
pyramidal, square pyramidal, trigonal
bipyramidal, tetrahedral and octahedral).
Energetics: First law of thermodynamics;
Internal energy, work and heat, pressurevolume
work; Enthalpy, Hess’s law; Heat of
reaction, fusion and vapourization; Second law
of thermodynamics; Entropy; Free energy;
Criterion of spontaneity.
Chemical equilibrium: Law of mass action;
Equilibrium constant, Le Chatelier’s principle
(effect of concentration, temperature and
pressure); Significance of ΔG and ΔGo in
chemical equilibrium; Solubility product,
common ion effect, pH and buffer solutions;
Acids and bases (Bronsted and Lewis
concepts); Hydrolysis of salts.
Electrochemistry: Electrochemical cells and
cell reactions; Standard electrode potentials;
Nernst equation and its relation to ΔG;
Electrochemical series, emf of galvanic cells;
Faraday’s laws of electrolysis; Electrolytic
conductance, specific, equivalent and molar
conductivity, Kohlrausch’s law; Concentration
Chemical kinetics: Rates of chemical
reactions; Order of reactions; Rate constant;
First order reactions; Temperature dependence
of rate constant (Arrhenius equation).
Solid state: Classification of solids, crystalline
state, seven crystal systems (cell parameters
a, b, c,α ,β ,γ ), close packed structure of solids
(cubic), packing in fcc, bcc and hcp lattices;
Nearest neighbours, ionic radii, simple ionic
compounds, point defects.
Solutions: Raoult’s law; Molecular weight
determination from lowering of vapour
pressure, elevation of boiling point and
depression of freezing point.
Surface chemistry: Elementary concepts of
adsorption (excluding adsorption isotherms);
Colloids: types, methods of preparation and
general properties; Elementary ideas of
emulsions, surfactants and micelles (only
definitions and examples).
Nuclear chemistry: Radioactivity: isotopes
and isobars; Properties of α ,β andγ rays;
Kinetics of radioactive decay (decay series
excluded), carbon dating; Stability of nuclei
with respect to proton-neutron ratio; Brief
discussion on fission and fusion reactions.
Inorganic Chemistry
Isolation/preparation and properties of the
following non-metals: Boron, silicon,
nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, sulphur and
halogens; Properties of allotropes of carbon
(only diamond and graphite), phosphorus and
Preparation and properties of the following
compounds: Oxides, peroxides, hydroxides,
carbonates, bicarbonates, chlorides and
sulphates of sodium, potassium, magnesium
and calcium; Boron: diborane, boric acid and
borax; Aluminium: alumina, aluminium chloride
and alums; Carbon: oxides and oxyacid
(carbonic acid); Silicon: silicones, silicates and
silicon carbide; Nitrogen: oxides, oxyacids and
ammonia; Phosphorus: oxides, oxyacids
(phosphorus acid, phosphoric acid) and
phosphine; Oxygen: ozone and hydrogen
peroxide; Sulphur: hydrogen sulphide, oxides,
sulphurous acid, sulphuric acid and sodium
thiosulphate; Halogens: hydrohalic acids,
oxides and oxyacids of chlorine, bleaching
powder; Xenon fluorides.
Transition elements (3d series): Definition,
general characteristics, oxidation states and
their stabilities, colour (excluding the details of
electronic transitions) and calculation of spinonly
magnetic moment; Coordination
compounds: nomenclature of mononuclear
coordination compounds, cis-trans and
ionisation isomerisms, hybridization and
geometries of mononuclear coordination
compounds (linear, tetrahedral, square planar
and octahedral).
Preparation and properties of the following
compounds: Oxides and chlorides of tin and
lead; Oxides, chlorides and sulphates of Fe2+,
Cu2+ and Zn2+; Potassium permanganate,
potassium dichromate, silver oxide, silver
nitrate, silver thiosulphate.
Ores and minerals: Commonly occurring ores
and minerals of iron, copper, tin, lead,
magnesium, aluminium, zinc and silver.
Extractive metallurgy: Chemical principles
and reactions only (industrial details excluded);
Carbon reduction method (iron and tin); Self
reduction method (copper and lead);
Electrolytic reduction method (magnesium and
aluminium); Cyanide process (silver and gold).
Principles of qualitative analysis: Groups I to
V (only Ag+, Hg2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Bi3+, Fe3+,
Cr3+, Al3+, Ca2+, Ba2+, Zn2+, Mn2+ and
Mg2+); Nitrate, halides (excluding fluoride),
sulphate and sulphide.
Organic Chemistry
Concepts: Hybridisation of carbon; Sigma and
pi-bonds; Shapes of simple organic molecules;
Structural and geometrical isomerism; Optical
isomerism of compounds containing up to two
asymmetric centres, (R,S and E,Z
nomenclature excluded); IUPAC nomenclature
of simple organic compounds (only
hydrocarbons, mono-functional and bifunctional
compounds); Conformations of
ethane and butane (Newman projections);
Resonance and hyperconjugation; Keto-enol
tautomerism; Determination of empirical and
molecular formulae of simple compounds (only
combustion method); Hydrogen bonds:
definition and their effects on physical
properties of alcohols and carboxylic acids;
Inductive and resonance effects on acidity and
basicity of organic acids and bases; Polarity
and inductive effects in alkyl halides; Reactive
intermediates produced during homolytic and
heterolytic bond cleavage; Formation,
structure and stability of carbocations,
carbanions and free radicals.
Preparation, properties and reactions of
alkanes: Homologous series, physical
properties of alkanes (melting points, boiling
points and density); Combustion and
halogenation of alkanes; Preparation of
alkanes by Wurtz reaction and decarboxylation
Preparation, properties and reactions of
alkenes and alkynes: Physical properties of
alkenes and alkynes (boiling points, density
and dipole moments); Acidity of alkynes; Acid
catalysed hydration of alkenes and alkynes
(excluding the stereochemistry of addition and
elimination); Reactions of alkenes with KMnO4
and ozone; Reduction of alkenes and alkynes;
Preparation of alkenes and alkynes by
elimination reactions; Electrophilic addition
reactions of alkenes with X2, HX, HOX and
H2O (X=halogen); Addition reactions of
alkynes; Metal acetylides.
Reactions of benzene: Structure and
aromaticity; Electrophilic substitution reactions:
halogenation, nitration, sulphonation, Friedel-
Crafts alkylation and acylation; Effect of o-, mand
p-directing groups in monosubstituted
Phenols: Acidity, electrophilic substitution
reactions (halogenation, nitration and
sulphonation); Reimer-Tiemann reaction, Kolbe
Characteristic reactions of the following
(including those mentioned above): Alkyl
halides: rearrangement reactions of alkyl
carbocation, Grignard reactions, nucleophilic
substitution reactions; Alcohols: esterification,
dehydration and oxidation, reaction with
sodium, phosphorus halides,
ZnCl2/concentrated HCl, conversion of
alcohols into aldehydes and ketones; Ethers:
Preparation by Williamson’s Synthesis;
Aldehydes and Ketones: oxidation, reduction,
oxime and hydrazone formation; Aldol
condensation, Perkin reaction; Cannizzaro
reaction; Haloform reaction and nucleophilic
addition reactions (Grignard addition);
Carboxylic acids: formation of esters, acid
chlorides and amides, ester hydrolysis;
Amines: basicity of substituted anilines and
aliphatic amines, preparation from nitro
compounds, reaction with nitrous acid, azo
coupling reaction of diazonium salts of
aromatic amines, Sandmeyer and related
reactions of diazonium salts; carbylamine
reaction; Haloarenes: nucleophilic aromatic
substitution in haloarenes and substituted
haloarenes (excluding Benzyne mechanism
and Cine substitution).
Carbohydrates: Classification; mono- and disaccharides
(glucose and sucrose); Oxidation,
reduction, glycoside formation and hydrolysis
of sucrose.
Amino acids and peptides: General structure
(only primary structure for peptides) and
physical properties.
Properties and uses of some important
polymers: Natural rubber, cellulose, nylon,
teflon and PVC.
Practical organic chemistry: Detection of
elements (N, S, halogens); Detection and
identification of the following functional groups:
hydroxyl (alcoholic and phenolic), carbonyl
(aldehyde and ketone), carboxyl, amino and
nitro; Chemical methods of separation of
mono-functional organic compounds from
binary mixtures.
Algebra: Algebra of complex numbers,
addition, multiplication, conjugation, polar
representation, properties of modulus and
principal argument, triangle inequality, cube
roots of unity, geometric interpretations.
Quadratic equations with real coefficients,
relations between roots and coefficients,
formation of quadratic equations with given
roots, symmetric functions of roots.
Arithmetic, geometric and harmonic
progressions, arithmetic, geometric and
harmonic means, sums of finite arithmetic and
geometric progressions, infinite geometric
series, sums of squares and cubes of the first n
natural numbers.
Logarithms and their properties.
Permutations and combinations, Binomial
theorem for a positive integral index, properties
of binomial coefficients.
Matrices as a rectangular array of real
numbers, equality of matrices, addition,
multiplication by a scalar and product of
matrices, transpose of a matrix, determinant of
a square matrix of order up to three, inverse of
a square matrix of order up to three, properties
of these matrix operations, diagonal, symmetric
and skew-symmetric matrices and their
properties, solutions of simultaneous linear
equations in two or three variables.
Addition and multiplication rules of probability,
conditional probability, Bayes Theorem,
independence of events, computation of
probability of events using permutations and
Trigonometry: Trigonometric functions, their
periodicity and graphs, addition and subtraction
formulae, formulae involving multiple and submultiple
angles, general solution of
trigonometric equations.
Relations between sides and angles of a
triangle, sine rule, cosine rule, half-angle
formula and the area of a triangle, inverse
trigonometric functions (principal value only).
Analytical geometry (2 dimensions):
Cartesian coordinates, distance between two
points, section formulae, shift of origin.
Equation of a straight line in various forms,
angle between two lines, distance of a point
from a line; Lines through the point of
intersection of two given lines, equation of the
bisector of the angle between two lines,
concurrency of lines; Centroid, orthocentre,
incentre and circumcentre of a triangle.
Equation of a circle in various forms, equations
of tangent, normal and chord.
Parametric equations of a circle, intersection of
a circle with a straight line or a circle, equation
of a circle through the points of intersection of
two circles and those of a circle and a straight
Equations of a parabola, ellipse and hyperbola
in standard form, their foci, directrices and
eccentricity, parametric equations, equations of
tangent and normal.
Locus Problems.
Analytical geometry (3 dimensions):
Direction cosines and direction ratios, equation
of a straight line in space, equation of a plane,
distance of a point from a plane.
Differential calculus: Real valued functions of
a real variable, into, onto and one-to-one
functions, sum, difference, product and
quotient of two functions, composite functions,
absolute value, polynomial, rational,
trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic
Limit and continuity of a function, limit and
continuity of the sum, difference, product and
quotient of two functions, L’Hospital rule of
evaluation of limits of functions.
Even and odd functions, inverse of a function,
continuity of composite functions, intermediate
value property of continuous functions.
Derivative of a function, derivative of the sum,
difference, product and quotient of two
functions, chain rule, derivatives of polynomial,
rational, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric,
exponential and logarithmic functions.
Derivatives of implicit functions, derivatives up
to order two, geometrical interpretation of the
derivative, tangents and normals, increasing
and decreasing functions, maximum and
minimum values of a function, Rolle’s Theorem
and Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem.
Integral calculus: Integration as the inverse
process of differentiation, indefinite integrals of
standard functions, definite integrals and their
properties, Fundamental Theorem of Integral
Integration by parts, integration by the methods
of substitution and partial fractions, application
of definite integrals to the determination of
areas involving simple curves.
Formation of ordinary differential equations,
solution of homogeneous differential equations,
separation of variables method, linear first
order differential equations.
Vectors: Addition of vectors, scalar
multiplication, dot and cross products, scalar
triple products and their geometrical
General: Units and dimensions, dimensional
analysis; least count, significant figures;
Methods of measurement and error analysis for
physical quantities pertaining to the following
experiments: Experiments based on using
Vernier calipers and screw gauge
(micrometer), Determination of g using simple
pendulum, Young’s modulus by Searle’s
method, Specific heat of a liquid using
calorimeter, focal length of a concave mirror
and a convex lens using u-v method, Speed of
sound using resonance column, Verification of
Ohm’s law using voltmeter and ammeter, and
specific resistance of the material of a wire
using meter bridge and post office box.
Mechanics: Kinematics in one and two
dimensions (Cartesian coordinates only),
projectiles; Uniform Circular motion; Relative
Newton’s laws of motion; Inertial and uniformly
accelerated frames of reference; Static and
dynamic friction; Kinetic and potential energy;
Work and power; Conservation of linear
momentum and mechanical energy.
Systems of particles; Centre of mass and its
motion; Impulse; Elastic and inelastic collisions.
Law of gravitation; Gravitational potential and
field; Acceleration due to gravity; Motion of
planets and satellites in circular orbits; Escape
Rigid body, moment of inertia, parallel and
perpendicular axes theorems, moment of
inertia of uniform bodies with simple
geometrical shapes; Angular momentum;
Torque; Conservation of angular momentum;
Dynamics of rigid bodies with fixed axis of
rotation; Rolling without slipping of rings,
cylinders and spheres; Equilibrium of rigid
bodies; Collision of point masses with rigid
Linear and angular simple harmonic motions.
Hooke’s law, Young’s modulus.
Pressure in a fluid; Pascal’s law; Buoyancy;
Surface energy and surface tension, capillary
rise; Viscosity (Poiseuille’s equation excluded),
Stoke’s law; Terminal velocity, Streamline flow,
equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s theorem and
its applications.
Wave motion (plane waves only), longitudinal
and transverse waves, superposition of waves;
Progressive and stationary waves; Vibration of
strings and air columns; Resonance; Beats;
Speed of sound in gases; Doppler effect (in
Thermal physics: Thermal expansion of
solids, liquids and gases; Calorimetry, latent
heat; Heat conduction in one dimension;
Elementary concepts of convection and
radiation; Newton’s law of cooling; Ideal gas
laws; Specific heats (Cv and Cp for
monoatomic and diatomic gases); Isothermal
and adiabatic processes, bulk modulus of
gases; Equivalence of heat and work; First law
of thermodynamics and its applications (only
for ideal gases); Blackbody radiation:
absorptive and emissive powers; Kirchhoff’s
law; Wien’s displacement law, Stefan’s law.
Electricity and magnetism: Coulomb’s law;
Electric field and potential; Electrical potential
energy of a system of point charges and of
electrical dipoles in a uniform electrostatic field;
Electric field lines; Flux of electric field; Gauss’s
law and its application in simple cases, such
as, to find field due to infinitely long straight
wire, uniformly charged infinite plane sheet and
uniformly charged thin spherical shell.
Capacitance; Parallel plate capacitor with and
without dielectrics; Capacitors in series and
parallel; Energy stored in a capacitor.
Electric current; Ohm’s law; Series and parallel
arrangements of resistances and cells;
Kirchhoff’s laws and simple applications;
Heating effect of current.
Biot–Savart’s law and Ampere’s law; Magnetic
field near a current-carrying straight wire, along
the axis of a circular coil and inside a long
straight solenoid; Force on a moving charge
and on a current-carrying wire in a uniform
magnetic field.
Magnetic moment of a current loop; Effect of a
uniform magnetic field on a current loop;
Moving coil galvanometer, voltmeter, ammeter
and their conversions.
Electromagnetic induction: Faraday’s law,
Lenz’s law; Self and mutual inductance; RC,
LR and LC circuits with d.c. and a.c. sources.
Optics: Rectilinear propagation of light;
Reflection and refraction at plane and spherical
surfaces; Total internal reflection; Deviation
and dispersion of light by a prism; Thin lenses;
Combinations of mirrors and thin lenses;
Wave nature of light: Huygen’s principle,
interference limited to Young’s double-slit
Modern physics: Atomic nucleus; Alpha, beta
and gamma radiations; Law of radioactive
decay; Decay constant; Half-life and mean life;
Binding energy and its calculation; Fission and
fusion processes; Energy calculation in these
Photoelectric effect; Bohr’s theory of hydrogenlike
atoms; Characteristic and continuous Xrays,
Moseley’s law; de Broglie wavelength of
matter waves
Name of the candidate :
Application Number of JEE (Main)-2013:
Registration Number of JEE (Advanced) -2013:
Mobile: Email:
The Chairman
JEE (Advanced) - 2013
Indian Insitute of Technology ___________________(Write Appropriate Zone)
Sub: Requirement of SCRIBE and EXTRA TIME
Dear Sir,
I am a blind candidate and I would like to use the services of a scribe for writing JEE (Advanced) - 2013. I
also request you to provide one hour extra time in each paper.
I undertake to abide by the rules and regulations in this connection prescribed in the information brochure
of JEE (Advanced) - 2013.
Thanking you,
Signature/Left Thumb Impression of the candidate Signature of the Parent/Guardian
(Name of the candidate) (Name of the Parent/Guardian)
Enclosure: Attested copy of PD Certificate (APPENDIX - 6) issued by competent authority.
State/City/Town Code
Panaji 101
Ahmedabad 102
Surat 103
Vadodara 104
Mumbai 105
Nagpur 106
Navi Mumbai 107
Pune 108
Ajmer 109
Jaipur 110
Jodhpur 111
State/City/Town Code
Delhi (East) 201
Delhi (West) 202
Delhi (North) 203
Delhi (South) 204
Delhi (Central) 205
Faridabad 206
Gurgaon 207
Jammu 208
Indore 209
Sikar 210
Udaipur 211
Aligarh 212
Mathura 213
Dubai 214
State/City/Town Code
Itanagar 301
Guwahati 302
Jorhat 303
Silchar 304
Gaya 305
Katihar 306
Muzaffarpur 307
Patna 308
Imphal 309
Shillong 310
Siliguri 311
State/City/Town Code
Bhopal 401
Gwalior 402
Jabalpur 403
Pantnagar 404
Agra 405
Allahabad 406
Gorakhpur 407
Jhansi 408
Kanpur 409
Lucknow 410
State/City/Town Code
Port Blair 501
Visakhapatnam 502
Bhilai 503
Bilaspur 504
Raipur 505
Bokaro 506
Dhanbad 507
Jamshedpur 508
Ranchi 509
Bhubaneswar 510
Rourkela 511
Gangtok 512
Agartala 513
Durgapur 514
Kharagpur 515
Kolkata (North) 516
Kolkata (Salt Lake) 517
Kolkata (South) 518
Malda 519
State/City/Town Code
Hyderabad 601
Nellore 602
Vijayawada 603
Warangal 604
Bangalore 605
Mangalore 606
Kochi 607
Kozhikode 608
Thiruvananthapuram 609
Puducherry 610
Chennai 611
Madurai 612
State/City/Town Code
Chandigarh 701
Kurukshetra 702
Panipat 703
Rohtak 704
Palampur 705
Shimla 706
Amritsar 707
Bathinda 708
Jalandhar 709
Ludhiana 710
Patiala 711
Dehradun 712
Roorkee 713
Bareilly 714
Gautam Budh Nagar 715
Ghaziabad 716
Meerut 717
Moradabad 718
Varanasi 719
1. This is to certify that Shri/ Shrimati/ Kumari* ___________________________________________
son/daughter* of ___________________________________ of Village/Town* _________________________
District/Division* _____________________________ of State/Union Territory*_____________________________belongs to
the _________________________ Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe* under :-
* The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950
* The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950
* The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951
* The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951
[As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification Order) 1956, the Bombay Reorganisation
Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970, the North Eastern Areas
(Reorganisation) Act, 1971, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 and the Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002]
* The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956;
* The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959, as amended by the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976;
* The Constitution (Dadara and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order, 1962;
* The Constitution (Dadara and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1962;
* The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964;
* The Constitution (Uttar Pradesh) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1967;
* The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968;
* The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968;
* The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970;
* The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order, 1978;
* The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1978;
* The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1989;
* The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Act, 1990;
* The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Act, 1991;
* The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Second Amendment) Act, 1991;
2. # This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes* Certificate issued to Shri
/Shrimati* ___________________________ father/mother* of Shri /Shrimati /Kumari* _____________________________ of
Village/Town* ________________________________ in District/Division* ________________________________ of the
State State/Union Territory* ___________________________ who belong to the Caste / Tribe* which is recognised as a
Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe* in the State / Union Territory* ____________________ issued by the
________________________ dated____________.
3. Shri/ Shrimati/ Kumari * ___________________________ and / or* his / her* family ordinarily reside(s)** in
Village/Town* ________________________ of __________________District/Division* of the State Union Territory* of
Signature: ______________________
Designation ______________________
(with seal of the Office)
Place: ________________ State/Union Territory* _____________________
Date: ________________
* Please delete the word(s) which are not applicable.
# Applicable in the case of SC/ST Persons who have migrated from another State/UT.
The term “ordinarily reside(s)**” used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of
the People Act, 1950.
Officers competent to issue Caste/Tribe certificates:
1. District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy
Commissioner / Deputy Collector / Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate / City Magistrate / Sub-Divisional Magistrate /
Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner.
2. Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate.
3. Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.
4. Sub-divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/ or his family normally reside(s).
5. Administrator / Secretary to Administrator / Development Officer (Lakshdweep Island).
6. Certificate issued by any other authority will be rejected.
This is to certify that Shri / Smt. / Kum*._________________________________________________ Son / Daughter* of Shri /
Smt.* _____________________________________ of Village/Town* ________________________________District/Division*
__________________________________ in the _________________________ State belongs to the
community which is recognized as a backward class under:
(i) Resolution No. 12011/68/93-BCC(C) dated 10/09/93 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 186
dated 13/09/93.
(ii) Resolution No. 12011/9/94-BCC dated 19/10/94 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 163 dated
(iii) Resolution No. 12011/7/95-BCC dated 24/05/95 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 88 dated
(iv) Resolution No. 12011/96/94-BCC dated 9/03/96.
(v) Resolution No. 12011/44/96-BCC dated 6/12/96 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 210 dated
(vi) Resolution No. 12011/13/97-BCC dated 03/12/97.
(vii) Resolution No. 12011/99/94-BCC dated 11/12/97.
(viii) Resolution No. 12011/68/98-BCC dated 27/10/99.
(ix) Resolution No. 12011/88/98-BCC dated 6/12/99 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 270 dated
(x) Resolution No. 12011/36/99-BCC dated 04/04/2000 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 71 dated
(xi) Resolution No. 12011/44/99-BCC dated 21/09/2000 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 210
dated 21/09/2000.
(xii) Resolution No. 12015/9/2000-BCC dated 06/09/2001.
(xiii) Resolution No. 12011/1/2001-BCC dated 19/06/2003.
(xiv) Resolution No. 12011/4/2002-BCC dated 13/01/2004.
(xv) Resolution No. 12011/9/2004-BCC dated 16/01/2006 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 210
dated 16/01/2006.
(xvi) Resolution No. 12011/14/2004-BCC dated 12/03/2007 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 67
dated 12/03/2007.
(xvii) Resolution No. 12015/2/2007-BCC dated 18/08/2010.
(xviii)Resolution No. 12015/13/2010-BCC dated 08/12/2011.
Shri / Smt. / Kum. ________________________________________________________ and / or his family ordinarily reside(s) in
the __________________________ District / Division of ________________________ State. This is also to certify that he/she
does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India,
Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08/09/93 which is modified vide OM No. 36033/3/2004
Estt.(Res.) dated 09/03/2004, further modified vide OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res.) dated 14/10/2008 or the latest notification of
the Government of India.
District Magistrate /
Deputy Commissioner /
Competent Authority
* Please delete the word(s) which are not applicable.
(a) The term ‘Ordinarily resides’ used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the People Act,
(b) The authorities competent to issue Caste Certificates are indicated below:
(i) District Magistrate / Additional Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy
Collector / Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate / Sub-Divisional magistrate / Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant
Commissioner (not below the rank of Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate).
(ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate.
(iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar’ and
(iv) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and / or his family resides.
Certificate No. ______________________ Date:__________
This is certified that Shri/Smt/Kum___________________________________son/wife/daughter of
Shri___________________________age _______sex___ identification marks (s)________is suffering from
permanent disability of following category:
A. Locomotor or cerebral palsy:
i) BL-Both legs affected but not arms.
ii) BA-Both arms affected
a. Impaired reach
b. Weakness of grip
iii)BLA-Both legs and both arms affected
iv) OL-One leg affected (right or left)
a. Impaired reach
b. Weakness of grip
c. Ataxic
v) OA-One arm affected
a. Impaired reach
b. Weakness of grip
c. Ataxic
vi) BH-Stiff back and hips (cannot sit or stoop)
vii)MW-Muscular weakness and limited physical endurance.
B. Blindness or Low Vision:
(i) B-Blind
(ii) PB-Partially Blind
C. Hearing impairment:
(i) D-Deaf
(ii) PD-Partially Deaf
(Delete the category whichever is not applicable)
2. This condition is progressive/non-progressive/likely to improve/not likely to improve. Re-assessment of
this case is not recommended/is recommended after a period of _____________years_________months.*
4. Sh./Smt./Kum....................................................................meets the following physical requirement for
discharge of his/her duties:-
(i) F-can perform work by manipulating with fingers. Yes/No
(ii) PP-can perform work by pulling and pushing. Yes/No
Affix Pass port size
photograph here
(iii) L-can perform work by lifting. Yes/No
(iv) KC-can perform work by kneeling and crouching. Yes/No
(v) B-can perform work by bending. Yes/No
(vi) S-can perform work by sitting. Yes/No
(vii) ST-can perform work by standing. Yes/No
(viii) W-can perform work by walking. Yes/No
(ix) SE-can perform work by seeing. Yes/No
(x) H-can perform work by hearing/speaking. Yes/No
(xi) RW-can perform work by reading and writing. Yes/No
*Strike out which is not applicable.
(Dr.___________________) (Dr.______________________) (Dr.____________________)
Reg No. Reg No. Reg No.
Member Member Chairperson
Medical Board Medical Board Medical Board
Countersigned by the
Medical Superintendent/CMO/Head of
Hospital (with seal)
Recent attested
photograph showing
the disability affixed here.
Medical authority competent to issue such a certificate in the district of the applicant's residence/ the concerned medical authority
in a government hospital where he/she may be undergoing or may have undergone treatment in connection with his/her disability
Institute Website Email ID
IIT Bombay http://jeeadv.iitb.ac.in/ jeeadv@iitb.ac.in
IIT Delhi http://jeeadv.iitd.ac.in/ jeeadv@admin.iitd.ac.in
IIT Guwahati http://jeeadv.iitg.ac.in/ jee@iitg.ernet.in
IIT Kanpur http://jeeadv.iitk.ac.in/ jeeadv@iitk.ac.in
IIT Kharagpur http://jeeadv.iitkgp.ac.in/ jeeadv@iitkgp.ac.in
IIT Madras http://jeeadv.iitm.ac.in jeeadv@iitm.ac.in
IIT Roorkee http://jeeadv.iitr.ac.in/ jeeadv@iitr.ernet.in
Zone Address Phone Fax
IIT Bombay Chairman, JEE (Advanced) - 2013, IIT Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai 400076
(022)25764063 (022)25720305
IIT Delhi Chairman, JEE (Advanced) - 2013, IIT Delhi,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
(011)26591785 (011)26581067
IIT Guwahati Chairman, JEE (Advanced) - 2013, IIT Guwahati,
Guwahati 781039
(0361)2692795 (0361)2582180
IIT Kanpur Chairman, JEE (Advanced) - 2013, IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016
(0512)2597335 (0512)2590103
IIT Kharagpur Chairman, JEE (Advanced) - 2013, IIT
Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721032
(03222)282101 (03222)278242
IIT Madras Chairman, JEE (Advanced) - 2013, IIT Madras,
Chennai 600036
(044)22578220 (044)22578224
IIT Roorkee Chairman, JEE (Advanced) - 2013, IIT Roorkee,
Roorkee 247667
(01332)284272 (01332)285346
Freehand drawing:
This would comprise of simple drawing depicting the total object in its right form and proportion,
surface texture, relative location and details of its component parts in appropriate scale. Common
domestic or day-to-day life usable objects like furniture, equipment, etc., from memory.
Geometrical drawing:
Exercises in geometrical drawing containing lines, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons,
circles etc. Study of plan (top view), elevation (front or side views) of simple solid objects like
prisms, cones, cylinders, cubes, splayed surface holders etc.
Three-dimensional perception:
Understanding and appreciation of three-dimensional forms with building elements, colour, volume
and orientation. Visualization through structuring objects in memory.
Imagination and aesthetic sensitivity:
Composition exercise with given elements. Context mapping. Creativity check through innovative
uncommon test with familiar objects. Sense of colour grouping or application.
Architectural awareness:
General interest and awareness of famous architectural creations – both national and
international, places and personalities (architects, designers etc..) in the related domain.
Candidates are advised to bring geometry box sets, pencils, erasers and colour pencils or
crayons for the Aptitude Test.
Applicants must note that:
(a) the titles of the courses listed below may be changed,
(b) some of the listed courses may be dropped or altered
(c) some new courses may be offered.
Therefore the list may not be considered as the final. Exact list will be made available at the time
of counseling.
SN Programme
IIT Bombay
IIT Delhi
IIT Guwahati
IIT Kanpur
IIT Kharagpur
IIT Madras
IIT Roorkee
IIT(BHU) Varanasi
ISM Dhanbad
Programme B.Tech. 4 Years
1 Aerospace Engineering • • • •
2 Agricultural & Food Engineering •
3 Biological Sciences and Bioengineering •
4 Biotechnology • •
5 Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering •
6 Ceramic Engineering •
7 Chemical Engineering • • • • • • • • •
8 Chemical Science and Technology •
9 Civil Engineering • • • • • • • •
10 Computer Science & Engineering • • • • • • • • •
11 Electrical Engineering • • • • • • • •
12 Electrical Engineering (Power) •
13 Electronics Engineering •
14 Electronics & Communication Engineering • • •
15 Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering •
16 Electronics & Electrical Engineering •
17 Engineering Physics • • • •
18 Environmental Engineering •
19 Industrial Engineering •
20 Instrumentation Engineering •
21 Manufacturing Science and Engineering •
22 Materials Science and Engineering •
23 Metallurgical & Materials Engineering • • •
24 Mathematics and Computing •
25 Mechanical Engineering • • • • • • • • •
26 Metallurgical Engineering •
27 Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science • •
28 Mineral Engineering •
29 Mining Engineering • • •
30 Mining Machinery Engineering •
31 Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering •
32 Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture •
33 Petroleum Engineering •
34 Polymer Science and Technology •
35 Production and Industrial Engineering • •
36 Pulp & Paper Technology •
37 Textile Technology •
Four- year B.S. Courses
38 Chemistry •
39 Economics •
40 Mathematics and Scientific Computing •
41 Physics •
B. Pharm. 4 Years
42 Pharmaceutics •
B. Des. 4 years
43 Design •
B. Arch. 5 years
44 Architecture • •
M. Pharm. Dual Degree 5 years
45 Pharmaceutics •
M.Sc. Integrated 5 years
46 Applied Geology •
47 Applied Mathematics •
48 Applied Physics
49 Chemistry • • •
50 Economics •
51 Exploration Geophysics •
52 Mathematics and Computing • •
53 Physics • •
BS & MS Dual Degree 5 years
54 Physics •
55 Biological Sciences •
M.Sc. Tech. Integrated 5 years
56 Applied Geology •
57 Applied Geophysics •
M.Tech. Integrated 5 year
58 Geological Technology •
59 Geophysical Technology •
60 Engineering Physics •
61 Industrial Chemistry •
62 Mathematics & Computing • •
B.Tech./M.Tech. Dual Degree 5 Years
63 Aerospace Engineering • •
64 Aerospace Engineering with M.Tech. in Applied Mechanics
with specializations in Biomedical Engineering

65 Agricultural and Food Engineering with M.Tech in any of
the listed specializations

66 Biochemical Engineering •
67 Biological Engineering •
68 Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology •
69 Bioengineering with M.Tech. in Biomedical Technology •
70 Biotechnology •
71 Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering •
72 Ceramic Engineering •
73 Chemical Engineering • • • •
74 Chemical Engineering with
M. Tech. In Hydrocarbon Engineering

75 Civil Engineering with M. Tech. In Applied Mechanics in
any of the listed specialization

76 Civil Engineering with M. Tech. In Infrastructural Civil

77 Civil Engineering with M. Tech. In Structural Engineering • •
78 Civil Engineering with M. Tech. In any of the listed
• •
79 Computer Science & Engineering • • • •
80 Computer Science & Engineering with
M. Tech. In Information Technology
81 Electrical Engineering with M. Tech. In Applied Mechanics
with specialization in Biomedical Engineering

82 Electrical Engineering with M. Tech. In Communications
and Signal Processing

83 Electrical Engineering •
84 Electrical Engineering with M. Tech. In Information &
Communication Technology

85 Electrical Engineering with M. Tech. In Microelectronics •
86 Electrical Engineering with M. Tech. In Micro-electronics &
VLSI Design
87 Electrical Engineering with M. Tech. In any of the listed

88 Electrical Engineering with M.Tech. in Power Electronics • •
89 Electrical Engineering with M. Tech. In Power Systems
and Power Electronics
90 Electronics & Communication Engineering with M. Tech. In
Wireless Communication

91 Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering with
M. Tech. In any of the listed specializations

92 Energy Engineering with M.Tech in Energy Systems

93 Engineering Design with M. Tech. In Automotive

94 Engineering Design with M.Tech in Biomedical Design •
95 Quality Engineering Design and Manufacturing •
96 Engineering Physics with M.Tech in Engineering Physics
with specialization in Nano Science

97 Industrial Engineering with M. Tech. In Industrial
Engineering and Management

98 Manufacturing Science & Engineering with M. Tech. In
Industrial Engineering & Management

99 Material Science & Technology •
100 Mechanical Engineering •
101 Mechanical Engineering with M. Tech. In Computer Aided
Design & Automation

102 Mechanical Engineering with M. Tech. In Computer
Integrated Manufacturing

103 Mechanical Engineering with M. Tech. In Thermal

104 Mechanical Engineering with M. Tech. In Intelligent

105 Mechanical Engineering with M. Tech. In Product Design •
106 Mechanical Engineering with M. Tech. In any of the listed

107 Metallurgical Engineering •
108 B. Tech. In Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and M.
Tech. In Materials Engineering

109 Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science with M.
Tech. in Ceramics & Composites

110 Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science with M.
Tech. in Metallurgical Process Engineering

111 Metallurgical & Materials Engineering •
112 Metallurgical & Materials Engineering with
M. Tech. in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

113 Mineral Engineering with M.Tech. in Mineral Engineering •
114 Mineral Engineering with MBA •
115 Mining Engineering • •
116 Mining Engineering with M.Tech. in Mining Engineering •
117 Mining Engineering with MBA •
118 Mining Engineering with M.Tech. in Safety Engineering
and Disaster Management in Mines

119 Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering •
120 Naval Architecture Engineering with M.Tech. in Applied
Mechanics in any of the listed specializations

121 Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture •
122 Petroleum Engineering with M.Tech. in Petroleum

123 Process Engineering with MBA •
Programme B.Tech. 4 Years
SN Programme
B.Tech. 4 Years
IIT Hyderabad
IIT Indore
IIT Mandi
IIT Patna
IIT Ropar
IIT Rajasthan
1 Chemical Engineering • •
2 Civil Engineering • •
3 Computer Science and Engineering • • • • • •
4 Engineering Science •
5 Electrical Engineering • • • • • • • •
6 Mechanical Engineering • • • • • • • •
7 Systems Science •
8 Biologically-inspired Systems Science •
Start of Online Application for JEE(Main) - 2013 8 Nov. (Thursday) 2012
Closing of Online Application Process 15 Dec. (Saturday) 2012
JEE (Main)- 2013 7 April (Sunday) 2013
Results of JEE (Main)-2013 7 May (Tuesday) 2013
Opening of website for eligible candidates to register for
JEE(Advanced) - 2013
8 May (Wednesday) – 13
May (Monday) 2013
Opening of website for payment of registration fee for JEE
(Advanced) - 2013
8 May (Wednesday) – 13
May (Monday) 2013
Downloading of Admit cards by candidates from zonal IIT JEE
(Advanced) – 2013 Portal
16 May (Thursday) - 31 May
(Friday) 2013
JEE (Advanced) – 2013 2 June (Sunday) 2013
Declaration of Results (including Preparatory) through website 23 June (Sunday) 2013
Online registration open for registering for courses and for
appearing Architecture Aptitude Test
24 June (Monday) – 25 June
(Tuesday) 2013
Architecture Aptitude Test 28 June (Friday) 2013
Declaration of Architecture Aptitude Test results 2 July (Tuesday) 2013

OFFICIAL: Answers for Frequenty Asked Questions for JEE (Advanced) – 2013

Frequenty Asked Questions for JEE (Advanced) – 2013
What will be the syllabus for JEE (Advanced) – 2013?
The syllabus will be the same as of IIT-JEE 2012.

What will be the eligibility criteria for candidates who have qualified their 10+2 examination in 2012?
In respect of those students who passed their Board exam for the first time in 2012, the eligibility criteria for joining any of the IITs or ISM Dhanbad will be 60% marks in their 12th Board or equivalent (55% for SC/ST/PwD candidates). For those candidates who appear in their Board exams for the first time in 2013, the eligibility criteria will remain ‘top 20 percentile of the successful candidates’ in their Boards, category-wise. This will be a one-time exception for JEE (Advanced) 2013 only.

For those students who passed their 12th Board exams in 2012 but are re-appearing in the 2013 Board exams with a view to improve their performance, 60% rule will apply if they use their 2012 Board exam results and ‘top 20 percentile’ rule will apply if they use their 2013 Board exam results. This too will be a one-time exception for JEE (Advanced) 2013 only.

Those who are appearing for their board examination in 2013 and after all efforts if the percentile score is not available for any board then what will be the eligibility criteria?
In case the percentile score is not available from testing agencies [such as Pre-University exam conducted by a University, two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy, General Certificate Education examination (London/Cambridge/Sri Lanka), High School Certificate Examination of Cambridge University, International Baccalaureate Diploma (Geneva), Senior Secondary School Examination of National Institute of Open Schooling, three year Diploma recognized by AICTE / State Board of Technical Education and any Public School/Board/University examination in India or in any foreign country recognized as equivalent to the 10+2 system by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU)] the CBSE score for top 20 percentile of the successful candidates in the student’s category will be used.

What is the eligibility criteria of the board examination for a Foreign National?
For all Foreign Nationals, the eligibility criteria based on the qualifying examination shall be 60% aggregate marks.

When would the JEE (Advanced) – 2013 application start?
The online application for both JEE (Main) – 2013 as well as JEE (Advanced) – 2013 will be available from 8th November 2012 (Thursday) to 15th December 2012 (Saturday). Any candidate who wants to appear for JEE (Advanced) – 2013 examination must appear for the JEE (Main) – 2013, Paper-1. Online application form will be available at the website http://www.jeemain-edu.in/.

Is there a need to fill up any other form by the candidates (category wise) who are eligible to appear for JEE (Advanced) – 2013 examination at a later date?
Yes. The top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories) who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013 are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013. The candidates of JEE (Main) – 2013 who qualify to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013 have to register himself/herself online (between 8th May 2013 (Wednesday) to 13th May 2013 (Monday) through the url: http://jeeadv.iitd.ac.in).

Where can we get JEE (Advanced) – 2013 information brochure?
Information brochure will be available online and can be accessed through seven zonal IITs websites.

Do the students have to pay a single application fee for both JEE (Main) – 2013 as well as for JEE (Advanced) – 2013?
No. The top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories) who qualify, with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 have to register themselves through JEE (Advanced) – 2013 website. On completion of the registration process, a challan for fee payment through the bank will be automatically generated.

What is the application fee for JEE (Advanced) – 2013?
The application fee for JEE (Advanced) – 2013 is (i) Rs. 1800 (One thousand eight hundred rupees only) for the GN/OBC/OBC-NCL candidates, (ii) Rs. 900 (Nine hundred rupees only) for the SC/ST/PwD candidates and (iii) No fee for the female candidates (all categories). For candidates appearing from Dubai centre, the fees will be US$ 200. This fee can be paid at any branch of State Bank of India (SBI) having Core Banking Solutions (CBS). The process of paying the application fee must be completed between 8th May 2013 (Wednesday) to 13th May 2013 (Monday).

How does a candidate pay the registration fee for JEE (Advanced) – 2013?
To pay the registration fees for JEE (Advanced) – 2013, a candidate needs to follow the following steps:
  1. Fill up the online registration form completely.
  2. On completion of registration process the bank payment challan will be generated.
  3. Print the generated challan.
  4. Make the payment against the generated challan at any branch of State Bank of Indian (SBI) having Core Banking Solution (CBS).
  5. Get the counterpart of the challan endorsed by the bank.
  6. Send through speed post the photocopy of the challan along with the necessary documents viz. (i) Class X mark sheet (if DoB is not mentioned in it then you have to send a DoB certificate) (ii) Class XII mark sheet if available; otherwise the declaration form mentioning that you will submit the mark list before 30th Sep 2013 (Monday) (iv) caste certificate as applicable; (v) PwD certificate as applicable and send all of them to the zonal IIT under which you have registered.

How does a candidate find out the status of his/her registration form for JEE (Advanced) – 2013?
The status regarding the registration, including the receipt of payment, will be available on the JEE (Advanced) – 2013 website where the candidate had registered. If the receipt of it is not indicated within 72 hours of the payment, then you should contact JEE (Advanced) – 2013 office at IIT Delhi for clarification.

How does the candidate get his/her admit card for the JEE (Advanced) – 2013 examination?
For the JEE (Advanced) – 2013 examination, no hard copy of the admit card will be issued by any of the IITs. Each candidate needs to download his/her admit card from the corresponding JEE (Advanced) – 2013 websites. To download his/her admit card the candidate needs to enter his/her (i) JEE (Main) – 2013 registration number and (ii) Date of Birth (DoB) (dd/mm/yyyy). The admit card can be downloaded from 16th May 2013 (Thursday) onwards. Urls of JEE websites for the respective IITs are given below:

When would the JEE (Advanced) – 2013 examination be held?
The JEE (Advanced) - 2013 examination will be held on 2nd June 2013 (Sunday). It is an offline (pen and paper based) examination.

What is the format of the JEE (Advanced) – 2013 examination?
There will be two separate objective type (Multiple Choice Question) papers, namely Paper-1 and Paper-2. The duration of each paper will be 3 hours. The questions for the both the papers will be in Hindi and in English.

When and where will the results of the JEE (Advanced) - 2013 examination be available?
The results of the JEE (Advanced)-2013 will be declared on 23rd June 2013 (Sunday). It will be available at the IIT Delhi website (http://jeeadv.iitd.ac.in).

Will the ORS of the candidates who have taken JEE (Advanced) – 2013 examination be displayed for the candidates to see?
Yes, the ORS of the candidates who take JEE (Advanced) – 2013 examination will be made available on the JEE (Advanced) – 2013 website between 14th June 2013 (Friday) to 17th June 2013 (Monday). For any clarification regarding the displayed results, one can contact JEE (Advanced) – 2013 office of IIT Delhi during the same period. The process will be made known to everyone through the detailed instruction given on the website.

Would the percentile marks/ranking be based on Science stream or on all the subjects?
It will be based on all the subjects of the qualifying examination (QE).

I appeared in JEE - 2011 and IIT JEE - 2012. Will I be eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
No. You are not eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 even if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013. However, if you have appeared in IIT-JEE 2012 only subject to its conditions then you are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I appeared in JEE - 2011, but did not appear in IIT JEE - 2012? Am I be eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013 once I qualify in JEE (Main) - 2013?
No. You are not eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 even if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I qualified in IIT JEE – 2012 and I paid Rs.40000/20000, but did not join a programme at any of the institutes. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
No. You are not eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 even if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I appeared in IIT JEE-2012 and did not qualify, but based on my performance in IIT JEE-2012 examination, I got an admission offer for a course in ISM Dhanbad. I accepted the offer and paid the required fee but I did not join the allotted programme. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013, if I qualify in JEE (Main) – 2013?
No. You are not eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 even if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I passed 10+2 examination in 2012 and also qualified in IIT JEE-2012. I appeared for counselling for IIT JEE-2012 and was offered admission in one of the IITs/IT-BHU, Varanasi/ISM, Dhanbad, but did not pay Rs.40000/20000. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
Yes. You are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I passed 10+2 examination in 2012 with less than minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). I took IIT JEE - 2012 and did not qualify. I will be appearing for a re-examination in the year 2013 so that I can obtain MMQE. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
Yes. You are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I passed 10+2 examination in 2012 with less than minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). I did not write IIT JEE-2012. Now I will be appearing for a re-examination in the year 2013 so that I can improve the percentage of aggregate marks to be in top 20 percentile of my examination. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
Yes. You are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I appeared and passed 10+2 examination in 2011 and got less than minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). I appeared for an improvement examination of 10+2 in the year 2012 and obtained aggregate marks which made me eligible to attempt JEE. I took IIT JEE-2012 but could not qualify. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
No. You are not eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 even if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I appeared in 10+2 examination in 2011 and got greater than minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). I did not attempt JEE-2011. I took IIT JEE-2012 and did not qualify. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
No. You are not eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 even if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I appeared in 10+2 examination in 2011 and got greater than minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). I did not attempt JEE-2011 and IIT JEE-2012. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
No. You are not eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 even if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I appeared in 10+2 examination in 2011 and got less than minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE) in the aggregate. I wrote JEE-2011 but did not qualify. I took 10+2 examination in 2012 and got more than the MMQE. I took IIT JEE-2012 but did not qualify. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
No. You are not eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 even if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I appeared in 10+2 examination in 2010 and got less than the minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). I wrote JEE-2010 but did not qualify. I took 10+2 examination in 2011 and got more than the MMQE. I did not write IIT JEE-2012. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
No. You are not eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 even if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I appeared in 10+2 examination in 2011 and failed. I qualified JEE-2011 but my admission was cancelled. I appeared in 10+2 examination again in 2012 and got more than the minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). I wrote IIT JEE-2012 but could not qualify. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
No. You are not eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 even if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

My qualifying examination was conducted in 2011. The results were announced after 30th September 2011, and I got minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). I did not attempt JEE-2011 or IIT JEE-2012. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
Yes. You are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

My qualifying examination was conducted in 2011. The results were announced after 30th September 2011, and I got the minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). I did not attempt JEE-2011 but I attempted IIT JEE-2012 and did not qualify. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013, if I qualify in JEE (Main) - 2013?
Yes. You are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I passed the 10+2 exam in 2012 and wrote IIT JEE-2012. I was admitted to the Preparatory Course of an IIT/IT-BHU/ISM in July 2012. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013, if I qualify in JEE (Main) - 2013?
Yes. You are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I passed the qualifying examination in 2011 or before with aggregate marks less than minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). I have taken admission in another Qualifying examination and obtained MMQE. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
No. You are not eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 even if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I am a NRI/PIO/OCI/ foreign national. Does JEE (Advanced) – 2013 give me any special treatment for admission?
No. Also all OCI/PIO/NRI applicants have to satisfy the eligibility conditions meant for the GE candidates. The candidate has to appear in JEE (Main) – 2013 Paper-1 and has to qualify to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013.

I am studying in a foreign country and the diploma/certificate I will get is not in the qualifying examination list in the JEE (Advanced) – 2013 information brochure/website. What should I do?
You have to provide a certificate from the Association of Indian Universities, when you turn in your completed application form, stating that the diploma/certificate you will receive is equivalent to the 10+2 system of Indian Boards.

I appeared for JEE-2012 and qualified. I got an admission offer in an IIT/IT-BHU/ISM Dhanbad based on my JEE-2012 All India Rank (AIR). After accepting the admission offer my 10+2 Examination results were declared and I failed to obtain the required minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). As a consequence my admission was terminated on 30th September 2012. Am I eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
Yes. You are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013 if you are one of the top 1,50,000 candidates (including all categories), who qualify with their respective category wise cut-off scores in JEE (Main) – 2013, and are eligible to write JEE (Advanced) – 2013.

I appeared for IIT JEE-2012 and qualified. I got an admission offer in an IIT/IT-BHU/ISM Dhanbad based on my IIT JEE-2012 All Indian Rank (AIR). After accepting the admission offer my 10+2 Examination results were declared and I failed to obtain the minimum marks for qualifying examination (MMQE). As a consequence my admission was terminated on 30th September 2012. Am I eligible to claim refund of my registration fee?

What is the registration fees for candidates who take the JEE (Advanced) – 2013 examination in Dubai centre?
The registration fees for JEE (Advanced) - 2013 for candidates who opt for the Dubai Centre is US$ 200.00 (two hundred only in US dollars) for all categories.

A candidate who qualified AIEEE in 2012 and admitted in NITs and wants to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013. Does he need to write JEE (Main) - 2013?
Yes. He needs to write the Paper-1 of JEE (Main) - 2013. If selected within the top 1,50,000 (including all categories), the candidate will be able to write the JEE (Advanced) - 2013.

How will I know whether I am qualified to write JEE (Advanced) - 2013?
The list of 1,50,000 qualified candidates (including all categories) of Paper-1 of JEE (Main) - 2013 will be available at the IIT Delhi website: http://jeeadv.iitd.ac.in once the result is announced by CBSE.

I am only interested to study B.Arch in IIT. Do I need to write only Paper-1 or only Paper-2, or both Paper-1 and Paper-2 of JEE (Main) - 2013?
All the candidates aspiring for undergraduate courses in IIT (irrespective of any branch) should write Paper-1 of JEE (Main). If selected within the top 1,50,000 (including all categories), the candidate will be able to write the JEE (Advanced) - 2013. Moreover, candidates desirous of joining the B.Arch courses will be required to qualify in an Aptitude Test to be conducted at all zonal IITs on 28th June 2013 (Friday). However the seat allotment will be done based on the JEE (Advanced) – 2013 rank only.

Will the examination structure for JEE (Advanced)-2014 remain the same as in 2013?
No. The examination structure for JEE (Advanced) – 2014 and beyond may change. Details regarding this will be made available at a later date.

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